Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 5876-5879
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1537
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The evolving landscape of education presents heightened challenges that underscore the imperative role of educational innovation teams. Currently, innovation teams are confronted with new challenges to face in university teaching.

The pandemic has perpetuated the prevalence of online or blended learning, which represents a challenge in fostering and evaluating participation in online teaching. Additionally, the pandemic has induced notable emotional changes in students including feelings of loneliness, isolation, and fluctuations in motivation that must be addressed.

The robust demand for jobs in the technology sector has led to a surge in student attendance exemption, complicating teamwork and minimizing I to a bare minimum even under normal circumstances.

The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI), while serving as a valuable resource for both teachers and students, introduces complexities in student evaluation and the assurance of academic integrity. While new technologies open doors to increasingly inclusive and multicultural education, they also pose challenges in catering to the diverse needs of students, which are becoming more specific and varied in the classroom.

Examining the innovation competency, we've been cultivating for future engineers, and considering emerging technological advancements, certain aspects like "responsible innovation" in areas such as autonomous cars and assistive robots raise ethical questions that must be addressed. It is crucial to anticipate potential issues associated with innovations, as emphasized, not only innovating but also recognizing significant changes within a system and accurately predicting their occurrence. Assessing the long-term consequences of innovation, identifying the implications of systemic changes, and analyzing the risks and benefits of innovation entail confronting reality by carefully weighing risks and minimizing potential consequences.

Furthermore, the changing landscape of transversal competencies at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) necessitates a thorough review, as some aspects are presently not covered by the existing definition of learning outcomes, such as the assessment of innovation risks.

Addressing these challenges requires educators to dedicate more time to enhancing their digital skills and directing training efforts toward increasingly personalized attention.

Methodology and Results:
Short-Term Priority Actions:
1. Enhancing Faculty Training: Improve faculty proficiency in new technologies and empower them to confront emerging challenges.
2. Designing Strategies for Academic Integrity: Develop robust strategies to ensure academic integrity in the face of evolving educational methods.
3. Crafting New Learning Experiences: Innovate and diversify the learning experiences offered to students.
4. Effective Evaluation of Technology Integration: Assess the seamless integration of ICT in university teaching and ensure the quality of online instruction.

This methodology aims to address immediate challenges faced by our innovative education team, fostering adaptability, resilience, and sustained excellence in the rapidly evolving educational landscape. Recognizing the dynamic nature of education, these short-term priorities will pave the way for long-term success and continued positive impact within the UPV community.
Educational Innovation Teams, Faculty Training, Academic Integrity, Learning Experiences, Technology Integration Evaluation.