1 Polytechnic Institute of Oporto / inED - Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (PORTUGAL)
2 Polytechnic Instituto of Oporto / INESC TEC - CRACS (PORTUGAL)
3 Polytechnic Institute of Porto / CMUP (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1597-1605
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0496
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated a seismic shift in higher education, compelling institutions worldwide to reevaluate their teaching methodologies. This transformative period has prompted a critical examination of pedagogical practices among faculty members, as underscored by Marques & Pinto (2012) and Xavier & Milk (2019). The pandemic-induced disruptions have laid bare several longstanding issues plaguing the teaching landscape, including student disengagement, limited autonomy, and a lack of deep immersion in learning content. In response to these challenges, educators at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been compelled to reassess their instructional approaches and enhance their digital literacy.

Within this context, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (P.PORTO) stands at the forefront of pedagogical innovation, recognizing the imperative of nurturing a dynamic and adaptable teaching professionality among its faculty members. This transformative process of professional growth is underscored by Cruz (2022) as a continuous journey dependent on mechanisms of critical reflection. P.PORTO acknowledges the multifaceted nature of professional knowledge, encompassing not only content expertise but also pedagogical prowess and a nuanced understanding of the curriculum's contextual nuances, in line with Nóvoa's (2017) insights.

To elucidate the current state of teaching professionality at P.PORTO, the institution's Pedagogical Innovation Center meticulously crafted the "Questionnaire on Pedagogical Practices and Linguistic and Digital Competences" (P.PORTO, 2022). This comprehensive survey, informed by seminal works such as those of Chickering & Gamson (1987), Fry, Ketteridge, & Marshall (2003), Lucas, & Moreira (2017), OECD (2018), WEF (2016), Wegeriff (2007), and Yano (2013), aimed to holistically map pedagogical practices and delineate faculty members' professional skills identity card.

The findings unveiled a rich tapestry of pedagogical strategies embraced by P.PORTO faculty members, ranging from blended learning and problem-based learning to project-based learning and collaborative approaches. These results underscore the institution's commitment to fostering an environment conducive to innovative teaching methodologies, aligning with the insights of Cruz (2021) on the pivotal role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in nurturing students' soft skills.

Moreover, the research underscored the critical need for faculty members to bolster their digital literacy and linguistic competences to effectively navigate the evolving educational landscape. While acknowledging the strides made in enhancing digital proficiency, the study underscores the ongoing imperative for professional development initiatives in these domains.

In essence, this study offers a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic pedagogical ecosystem at P.PORTO, shedding light on the institution's commitment to nurturing a cadre of educators adept at navigating the complexities of modern higher education. As HEIs worldwide grapple with the challenges posed by the pandemic, the insights gleaned from P.PORTO's experiences serve as a beacon for fostering pedagogical resilience and innovation in the face of adversity.
Educator Expertise, Teaching Methods, Technological Proficiency, Language Competence, Higher Education.