The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8157-8167
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1928
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
In the paradigm of knowledge empowered by technology, this paper analyzes libraries as aggregators of renewable knowledge, supporting their crucial role in promoting sustainable societal evolution. Based on the premise of knowledge as a renewable asset, the article examines how libraries can stimulate the creation and use of such resources for the benefit of the community. The article documents the dynamics of the creation, transfer and turning to account of renewable knowledge in libraries, with the aim of providing a comprehensive understanding of both the unexplored terminology until now and the associated processes.

Using the "Action Research" methodology, this paper aims to clarify the complexity of renewable knowledge in library ecosystems in Europe. Using a mix consisting of a Questionnaire on modern library services and a multi-layered Structured Interview on renewable knowledge in libraries, applied in Romania and Europe, the author polled the opinions of 46 library leaders from 22 counties in Romania and respectively from 14 library leaders from 5 European countries (the Questionnaire) and respectively 36 library professionals from 9 counties in Romania and 7 library professionals from 6 European countries, with middle and top management roles (the Structured Interview).

The research aims to identify the current mapping of modern library services, assess the level of awareness of renewable knowledge in libraries and evaluate the effectiveness of modern library services in facilitating renewable knowledge process.

The Questionnaire analyzes renewable knowledge management perspectives, modern typologies of library services, in close correlation with accessibility and integration of technology in libraries. The responses collected and interpreted by the author suggest a widespread recognition of knowledge as a transformative asset, with libraries serving as vital centers for the dissemination and preservation of renewable knowledge.

In the light of individual experience, the Structural interview respondents delineate the main differences between information and knowledge, emphasizing the active cognitive processes involved in acquiring knowledge.

While the Questionnaire provides detailed information about the nature and applicability of modern library services from the perspective of user experience, the Structured Interview analyzes in depth the understanding and application of renewable knowledge by library professionals, revealing nuanced cultural and organizational variations.

To clarify the theoretical and methodological frameworks on the dynamics of renewable knowledge as a basic cognitive and learning process, the author exemplifies using very recent models of a library-type use case based on the Horizon 2021-2027 project SHIFT: MetamorphoSis of cultural Heritage Into augmented hypermedia assets For enhanced accessibiliTy and inclusion, in which the author participates as an early career investigator from one of the main providers of use cases participating in the project.

In conclusion, this paper substantiates the predictible transformation of libraries into the main community catalysts regarding the generation and dissemination of renewable knowledge. By promoting a culture of active learning and innovation, libraries have the potential to become vital agents in the sustainable development of societies, ensuring the perpetual enrichment of renewable knowledge resources curated by libraries in the collective interest.
renewable knowledge, library ecosystem, knowledge assets, service science, co-creation, transformative learning, knowledge generating process, library use cases.