GetReskilled (IRELAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5646-5654
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1449
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
This paper examines the experiences of a private training provider in transitioning experienced workers from declining industries, into new jobs in the growing Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. It uses the analytical lens of Behavioural Science to better understand the Sourcing, Education and Career Coaching (SEC) elements of a university programme, and adapt them for an adult learner audience returning to part-time education, whose goals are not necessarily the same as those of undergraduate or graduate students.

During the 2008 Global Downturn, the unemployment rate in Ireland grew to 15% and the Higher Education Authority (HEA) were challenged with reskilling the workforce into growing areas of the economy. The HEA developed the Springboard+ initiative to provide reskilling programmes to transition workers into key areas of the economy within a 12-month period with a University qualification. Education providers had to design a programme of study that could be delivered in a part-time format not impacting the ability of the experienced worker to job hunt, or their ability to accept a new job whilst still finishing the programme of study.

To meet these criteria, an SEC framework was developed by this private training provider as follows:
1) Screening - In particular getting the right people onto the right courses in the most efficient manner
2) Education - In particular designing assessments that will impress potential employers at job interviews to hire these adult learners, whilst also meeting the academic learning outcomes of the courses
3) Career coaching - In particular developing the job-hunting skills necessary to increase the likelihood of these adult learners being hired and subsequently building a career in a new industry sector

The paper examines the findings of a case study of 1,194 experienced workers, who over a 5-year period (2016-2021) enrolled on a university accredited certificate programme, delivered through this SEC framework, to find a new job in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

This research will provide insights for Government and higher education providers with reflections on best practices. The data set has been gathered over the 2016-2021 period across 1,194 experienced workers, coming from a variety of educational and employment backgrounds, with 5 to 25 years of work experience, all of whom were enrolled on the same online part-time programme.

This paper is broadly practitioner research using case studies as illustrative of real-world phenomena. The methodology for comparison draws heavily on Bereday’s model of comparative styles and their predispositions (Bereday, 1964). The analytical lens of behavioural science theories (in particular Bounded Rationality, Dual-System Planner-Doer and Nudge Theory) is used to analyse the framework.

The key outcome of the paper is an SEC framework that can be implemented across a broad range of industries by Governments and higher education providers, for transitioning experienced workers into new industry sectors. In a post-COVID 19 world, Government expenditure will significantly outway income in order to restart the economy and get people back to work. Likewise, the recent COP26 meeting to discuss the Global Climate Crisis agreed the need to transition large numbers of experienced workers from carbon-based industries to more green-friendly ones. This paper could be very relevant to delivering on those strategies, so as no one gets left behind.
Online learning, behavioural science, adult learners, online learning framework.