1 Aluna do Mstrado de Creche, CIDI-IESF, Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe (PORTUGAL)
2 CIDI-IESF-Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe (IESF) (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 4804 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1141
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
To think about education in an educational environment in the kindergarten is to start by looking at the variables that intervene in its development process, in a dialectic where the genetic relationship with the environment is the basis of the whole process, in a perspective that neurosciences make holistic and homeostatic. Starting by analyzing the concept of human development, the role that the brain plays in this whole process was immediately considered, in the potentialization of the dynamics of genetics under the influence of the phenomenal circumstances in which each one develops.

But because there is not always balance in this relationship, sometimes stress arises which, being toxic, can distort all the genetic potential of the child, creating disruptions for life. For this reason and because it is important from the kindergarten to avoid such circumstances, it is necessary to resort to strategies to minimize such situations, including music. As the most recent research from the most prestigious international centers have shown, music can contribute to the full development of the child, from neural networks, to language, to socio-emotionality and to a balanced interaction with the environment. The research question that guides the study is to what extent Music is a factor in the development of children in a kindergarten context, namely through the minimization of toxic stress and the development of the brain and language.

Through the observation of two children who, in a situation of listening to music, were showing the respective benefits in the global development of the child. The methodology is qualitative in nature, using descriptive unsystematic participant observation, resulting in narratives of the observations, by one of the authors.
The narratives were categorized and triangulated with document analysis. The categorizations were validated according to the Delphi method.

The main results of the study showed that music:
i) is effectively important in the child's development process in the educational context of daycare centers;
ii) contributes to the quality of the child's first life experiences;
iii) it provides the quality levels of educational and artistic experiences, which are extremely important for the development as well as the growth of babies and children;
iv) suggests that the participation of babies and children in musical learning experiences, with rhythms, rhymes, movements and various keys and meters and songs, can be positive for the child, in terms of language development, as well as in future participation in musical activities.

Neurosciences prove and end up highlighting the importance of organizing the educational environment in the context of kindergarten, since it will be in the stimulation and adaptation of this environment that the genetic inheritance of each child can be 'shaped', with consequences for the entire life cycle. of the individual. The situation of calm and well-being caused by the music relieved the child's natural stress in the face of the organic destabilization caused by hunger, helping to minimize stress. The playful aspect of music with adult interaction is very important. The educator contributes to opening new educational horizons, new didactic and pedagogical perspectives, in the certainty that the neurosciences are increasingly presented as an indispensable support in the neuroeducator's profile.
Neuroeducator, Music, kindergarten, Development enhancement.