TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TURKEY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 251 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0106
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
This academic study examines the collaboration processes of interior architecture and visual communication design students and aims to improve their problem-solving abilities using storytelling techniques. By examining the collaborative efforts of students from different disciplines, the research aims to reveal the impact of multidisciplinary collaboration and storytelling tools on problem solving skills. The study was conducted over a semester involving two groups of students working on design projects in a storytelling context. Evaluation methods included checklist assessments and regular juries to assess students' interdisciplinary approaches and initiative. The findings aim to identify effective strategies and best practices for developing problem-solving skills in interior architecture and visual communication design education.

Examining the multidisciplinary process of interior architecture and visual communication design students, this research aims to develop their problem-solving abilities while using storytelling as a tool to create design solutions. The main aim is to explore how students from different disciplines collaborate and engage in problem-solving activities.
The study focuses on interior architecture and visual communication design students and examines their joint efforts to overcome design problems. By integrating a storytelling approach, the research aims to reveal how narrative techniques can enhance students' problem-solving skills and enable them to create innovative design solutions.
Through this research, we seek to understand the impact of multidisciplinary collaboration and the use of storytelling tools on the problem-solving skills of interior architecture and visual communication design students. By analyzing their processes and outcomes, we aim to identify effective strategies and best practices that can be implemented to promote improved problem-solving skills in these disciplines.
The study was conducted over a semester with a working group of interior designers and visual communication design students, divided into two groups of 8 and 2 students respectively. The aim was for each group to complete a design project within the context of storytelling. The research methodology involved evaluating various aspects of the students' work and their approach to interdisciplinary collaboration. In order to evaluate the students' performance, a checklist was created that included criteria such as interdimensional approaches, use of technological tools, approaches to collaboration and the suitability of the final product for the intended purpose. The checklist was reviewed and graded by a panel of 5 academics and professionals with expertise in relevant fields.

In summary, this research attempts to examine the multidisciplinary processes of interior architecture and visual communication design students, with a particular focus on how storytelling can be used to enhance their problem-solving abilities. By examining students' collaborative efforts and analyzing their outcomes, this study aims to uncover valuable insights that can contribute to the development of problem-solving skills in these disciplines.
Multidisciplinary design education, problem-solving skills, storytelling, design solutions, design studios.