1 Universidad de Cuenca (ECUADOR)
2 Universidad del Azuay (ECUADOR)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 9450-9456
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.2090
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
According to Aldana (2010), academic performance of the students is generally determined by some factors as their family background, individual characteristics, educational and organizational background and their commitment to achieve the goals that are set as a life project. So that organization related factors are paramount in a student's academic performance. In this context, have been taken two essential organizational variables in analysis of educational environment and they are: organizational climate perceived by teachers and job satisfaction. In this investigation we have analyzed factors of organizational climate and job satisfaction that affect student’s academic performance, measured through their quantitative scores, applied to a public university in Ecuador, which has 17,000 students and approximately 1,100 teachers. A sample of 366 teachers has been taken from whom the Litwin and Stringer surveys have been applied to determine perception of Organizational Climate and the Meliá and Peiró to determine Job Satisfaction. Subsequently, the scores of all students who had received classes by said teacher were obtained. Given the qualitative nature of the surveys, a factor analysis has been applied that explains 90% of variance in the case of Organizational Climate and 92% in the case of Job Satisfaction. Results of factorial analysis have determined 9 factors for Climate Organizational and 5 for Job Satisfaction, coinciding with the theory presented. Analyzes carried out indicate that there is a positive and significant correlation between Student’s Academic Performance with Organizational Climate perceived by teachers (0.326) and Student’s Academic Performance with Job Satisfaction perceived by teachers of (0.510). Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction show a correlation of 0.727. Finally, a regression through the ordinary least squares method has concluded that academic performance can be explained through Reward and Standards, as well as Satisfaction with the Physical Environment, Satisfaction with the Benefits Received and Satisfaction with Supervision. Both first factors correspond to Organizational Climate, while the last ones to Job Satisfaction. The regression presents a level of explanation of 78% through the result of the R2. In addition to applying the tests of White, Durbin Watson, Reset of Ramsey, the robustness of the model has been determined through the validation of compliance with the assumptions of no multicollinearity, homoscedasticity, non-autocorrelation and specification. In the case of standards, we mean that they are set normally and so that they are achievable, while the reward refers to a fair and appropriate salary according to the activity carried out. The main conclusions that have been reached indicate that as teacher satisfaction increases focused on physical environment, benefits received and supervision, the student's grade will also increase, since said satisfaction will be transmitted to students. Additionally, while greater perception a teacher has in the factors of standards and reward of Organizational Climate, students will obtain better grades with this teacher. In this way, educational authorities must place special emphasis on improving Organizational Climate and Teacher’s Satisfaction which will be reflected in an increase in their students’ grades.
Organizational climate, teacher's job satisfaction, student's academic performance.