Universidad de Santiago (CHILE)
About this paper:
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The influence of teachers' beliefs in curriculum implementation has been explored from various points of view (Contreras, 2009; Friedrichsen, Van Driel & Abell, 2011; Hutchins & Friedrischsen, 2012; Garritz, 2014). In the Chilean context, several investigations have been developed in order to describe the relationship between thought and practice in service science teachers regarding the content, methodology and evaluation (Contreras, 2008, 2013). Specifically, described the influence of beliefs about curricular decisions for the implementation of activities in the classroom. For example, we have investigated what they think and how they use ICT (information and communication technologies) in classes and practical activities for physics teachers who teach high school. Teachers believe that ICT should be used to teach science; however, in practice the most used the textbook as resource (Contreras, 2010a). The results have shown that curricular beliefs influence how the teacher thinks learning and decides teaching. In fact, we have found differences between what the teacher thinks and does in the classroom (Contreras, 2010b, 2013). In this line, we reflect on various findings in the national context, and how we can use these results, both to improve the teaching of experimental sciences and mathematics to improve the initial training high school teachers who teach science. For this, we present part of an investigation that is generated from in service teachers and that relates to the initial training science teacher for high schools (Fondecyt 11130150), proposing tools to explore the future teacherĀ“s pedagogic-curricular thinking and knowledge.
The data presented were generated from the use of:
a) a mixed methodology;
b) several instruments (field notes, questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and planning) to collect information;
c) quantitative and qualitative techniques with a categories system and subcategories.
The main results show that the teacher thinking tends to be constructive and is organized into different levels according to the curricular aspect involved (content, methodology or evaluation). However, in relation to the practice they show a traditional tendency and practice. We consider that our findings have implications for teacher training, especially when the current context relieves the development of teaching skills to teach science.Keywords:
Pedagogic-curricular beliefs, resources, ICT, practice, Science.