Universidad de Santiago de Chile (CHILE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6801-6805
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1698
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The development of skills and competencies have become a relevant axis in the current educational context. Post-pandemic the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have changed the scenario and increased the possibilities of improving educational environments and learning outcomes. We propose to reflect on the interaction between ICT and AI (ICT-AI) and how from the experience with the use of applications and simulators, we think about the integration of AI in educational contexts (AIEd). The ICT-AI interaction allows diversifying the possibilities (pedagogical and didactic) of the resources, since AI improves virtual learning environments due to its adaptive capacity to the student´s individualities. In fact, research indicates a considerable increase in the possibilities, times, specificity and forms of feedback and evaluation. Within this framework, we review and analyze two training experiences with the use of ICT resources (previous in IATED conferences) with the idea of revealing some results, but above all to reveal: opinions and perceptions about the use of ICT, the potential of ICT-interaction AI and the importance of integrating this new knowledge into teacher training (PCK, TPACK).

In a first experience, at the primary level (N=37) and for the teaching electrical interactions we report an educational innovation in the Covid19 context using the Peth simulator and active methodologies. With a mixed methodological approach and using several instruments, the most important results indicated: a) that teachers and students highly value the integration of ICT; b) the use of simulators combined with active methodologies promotes conceptual change (over 80%); c) an increase in the understanding of electrical circuit concepts. In the second experience, we designed three didactic units integrating various ICT resources (crocodile, mathpapa, proxmox and kahoot) to teach a group of students (N=43) of vocational training (electricity, computing and health) prior to the Covid19 period. We apply different instruments (questionnaires) on conceptual understanding, skills development and perception of the use of digital resources. The most important results indicated: d) a more positive perception of the use of ICT; e) greater conceptual understanding (16%); f) greater abilities of use (10%), domain (7%) and value (8%).

Both experiences show that the incorporation of ICT represents opportunities to improve and innovate in teaching and learning, in addition this can enhanced through active methodologies. In this sense, we can point out that the use of the resources described allowed a significant change in the assessment of the use of ICT and its possibilities, especially in that related to the understanding of concepts and the development of skills. Now if we consider the integration of AI to ICT resources, the possibilities would increase, especially in the idea of promoting teaching processes, virtual environments, feedback, skill development, learning outcomes, etc., in a focused or directed way. Thus, and for the teaching, learning and teacher training processes, it will be necessary to consider the different aspects and variables that will determine a good use and integration (PCK, TPCK) of artificial intelligence in educational contexts at all levels (AIEd). In other words, we will also have to reflect on how we integrate these new resources and knowledge into teacher training.
Applications and simulators (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), ICT-AI interaction, educational context with AI (AIEd), teacher training.