ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises) (BELGIUM)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 3312 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0861
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
ENSIE, representing the B-WISE consortium, is glad to propose a presentation of the Universal Training Curricula, developed in the framework of B-WISE (a European Blueprint project), for the upcoming EDULEARN conference. The project also features the development of a European-wide certification and a toolkit for trainers, opening to a European-wise standardisation of skills and training for the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector in order to ensure portability of acquired skills across Europe. ENSIE believes that the work on this issue, matching with the goals of EDULEARN, can offer a new perspective on digitalisation and upskilling of social enterprises.

The universal training curricula developed by B-WISE are tailored to meet the dynamic demands of the WISE sector. A unique feature of such curricula is that soft skills especially focus on the skills and mindset needed for transformation phases in WISEs, preparing workers to use digital skills and to be open to digitalisation and change. Our approach drew insights from extensive research and collaboration to address both digital and soft skills requirements.

The consortium started by examining the current skills gaps and future needs in the WISEs sector. Previous studies within the project highlighted the significance of digital skills alongside the increasing demand for soft skills.

Initially, the research focused on collecting examples of formal and non-formal training programmes across EU countries. The research was conducted to gather insights into existing curricula, while adjustments were made to core modules based on evolving objectives.

Subsequent phases focused on mapping and matching learning outcomes to areas of expertise, followed by the structural development of the curricula themselves, which were adapted in accordance with the needs of the diverse roles within WISEs: enablers, supporters, and workers with support needs.

This process brought to the creation of three core modules: WISE Identity, Strategy and Transformation; Networking and Communication; and Supporting Work and Employability. Each module addresses specific skills, ensuring that workers are equipped with the necessary tools to grow in their roles and contribute to their organisations’ growth.

The assessment framework proposed by B-WISE incorporates both sub-level and core-module level assessments, providing a comprehensive evaluation of learners' progress and competency attainment. This structured approach ensures the effectiveness and validity of the training curricula. Also, the curricula development process acknowledges the importance of flexibility and adaptability in addressing the diverse needs of learners and the changing landscape of the WISEs sector. For this reason, the curricula are continuously refined by incorporating feedback from stakeholders and experts, to ensure their constant relevance and effectiveness by complying with needs on the ground.

The development of universal training curricula for WISEs represents a significant step towards building a more inclusive and sustainable workforce in the European social economy landscape. By providing workers with the necessary skills and competencies, these curricula lay the foundation for continued growth and innovation in the WISE sector across Europe.
Digitalisation, upskilling, training.