1 University of the Joinville Region – Univille (BRAZIL)
2 Federal University of Santa Catarina (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 6086-6093
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1449
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The integration of outreach activities into Brazilian university undergraduate curricula, known as outreach curricularization, represents a significant movement in the country's educational system. This approach aims to promote greater interaction between universities and communities, emphasizing social responsibility and community development. In the Brazilian context, outreach curricularization is a national policy that seeks to ensure that part of the undergraduate course workload is dedicated to activities that connect academic knowledge with the needs of society, providing practical and socially engaged learning for students. Although this initiative is innovative and necessary, its implementation presents significant challenges for Brazilian higher education institutions. In parallel, in Europe and the United States, a similar approach is adopted through the concept of Service Learning, defined as an educational methodology that combines academic learning with community service. This approach emphasizes not only the practical application of knowledge, but also the development of civic skills and the promotion of active citizenship. Although there are differences in the approaches and specific contexts of each region, both outreach curricularization in Brazil and Service Learning in Europe and the USA share common objectives. Both seek to strengthen the relationship between higher education and communities, promote experiential learning and develop students' social and civic skills. The objective of this work is to offer guidance on the design of undergraduate curricula in Brazilian higher education institutions, taking advantage of Service Learning characteristics and the legal framework of the national outreach curricularization policy. Applying the Design Science Research methodology, the intersection between the two approaches enabled the development of a general framework to support the design of outreach activities integrated into undergraduate curricula in Brazil. The principles and guidelines of Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas are also used to analyze the value and feasibility of curriculum design. The main characteristics of the proposed framework include: identification of the demands of four stakeholders: community, student, teacher and university; identification of the value proposition of each curricularized outreach activity; alignment between demands and value proposition; generating four value Canvas linked to the activity. The framework was validated by experts in the field of study, who confirmed its applicability and relevance to facilitate the integration of outreach activities into the curricula of undergraduate courses in Brazil, as defined in the national outreach curricularization policy. The framework allows the design of curricular activities connected with the reality of communities, contributing to the democratization of access to knowledge produced in universities and the formation of professionals who are more engaged with the needs of the society in which they operate. Furthermore, the framework proves to be a tool to facilitate a significant teaching process, highlighting the contribution to students' academic formation of each of the outreach activities included in the curricula. The next steps of the research include carrying out pilot applications in outreach curricularization of three Brazilian high education institutions.
Outreach curricularization, curricula, Service Learning.