1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica (SERBIA)
2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture (SERBIA)
3 EPS Distribution (SERBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2018 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 6596-6602
ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2018.2545
Conference name: 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 12-14 November, 2018
Location: Seville, Spain
Purpose: The main objective/purpose of this paper is to adopt higher education system in response to new competence requirements through: better identification of occupational needs, internationalization and mobility programmes, which could develop real life user environments and provide new innovative skills.

AMBER ROAD Central European Network of Faculties of Economics, was founded in May 2014. The consortium includes 13 faculties of 12 universities in 9 countries. In 2017 it was extended as an association of 14 Universities of 11 countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The main fields of future cooperation with the partner institutions should be cooperation in the area of internationalization. Though broadly-based, the network remains highly selective in its membership in order to retain a manageable scale and flexibility of action which could be:
• Mobility of academic and administrative staff and students ( including PhD students);
• Co-operation in research and the presentation of its results;
• e-learning;
• Exchange of academic materials, publications and other scientific information;
• Double degree or joint diploma;
• Implementation of joint training programs;
• Standardization of the Credit system;
• International conferences;
• Sport and cultural events;
• Common quality control system formation;
• Summer schools for students;
• Common journal;
• Common monographs as learning materials for students.

The main idea is that AMBER ROAD Central European Network of Faculties of Economics will carry out a wide range of classic student and teacher mobility programmes.

Quality management represents the process of directing the activities in creating and realizing of a quality assessment of cooperation programs between higher education institutions. Methods and techniques that the authors used: SWOT analysis - establishing of present and future opportunities and threats from the environment and institution’s own strengths and weaknesses; portfolio matrix – a technique for determining the position of the institution in the cooperation process. The matrix recommended for outlining a study program. It should illustrate the students learning pathways and professional development towards the learning outcomes of the degree.

Proposed actions:
On behalf of several universities, the International Joint Cross-Border PhD Program in International Economic Relations and Management could be organized and administered by the Consortium of these universities. This Joint PhD Program could be a unique doctoral cross-border program focusing on Central and Eastern European countries.
After completion of this international Joint PhD Program, graduates are able to conduct methodologically impeccable scientific research in their field, generate new results, reflect critically upon their own scientific methods and performance, analyze academic contributions in their field critically, contribute to scientific progress in their field and to encourage its interconnection with other, relevant disciplines.

It is expected that well defined description of the activities would be an efficient tool for the state analysis, quality assessment, both at the level of the individual who take part in the cooperation program and at the level of the institution as a whole. Analysis of strengths and weaknesses should be performed according to the method of SWOT analysis.
Internationalization, mobility programmes, interconnection of relevant disciplines.