Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 469 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0181
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The incursion of Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, into learning environments is becoming increasingly important, as they have become allies in the teaching, learning and evaluation process. Their possibilities of contributing to more dynamic learning, and being flexible and innovative, they allow the academy to strengthen both its teachers and its students in the digital skills demanded by the educational context and the 21st century. From the Innovation Study Group in Information and Communication Technologies - belonging to the Master's Degree in Education at the Bogotá UNIMINUTO Virtual headquarters, work began on the topic with applied research projects that incorporate technology in various environments.

PHASE 1: Identification of node topics related to ICT. In this phase, the research topics that can be carried out are identified and students who want to be part of the formulation, implementation and conclusion of the project are invited. It is a type of work that encourages collaboration between students that allows them to strengthen soft skills.
PHASE 2: Formation of the research group.
In this phase the project is designed, the objectives and the research question are formulated and a tracking of the current status of the topic is carried out, the construction of RAES is carried out and the methodology that will be carried out is defined.
PHASE 3: Methodology:
In this phase, the data collection instruments are designed and validated, collected, analyzed, and the results discussed.
PHASE 4: Disclosure
Here academic papers or articles are prepared and submitted to indexed journals or national or international events. They are located depending on the topic addressed in the respective research.

It is known to all that social networks, for example, were born for leisure, however, their use in the educational field brings benefits such as collaborative learning, the strengthening of communication skills and the development of digital skills. The use of social networks in educational environments also requires changes or adjustments in the curriculum that facilitate the carrying out of activities that generate authentic learning in students.
Promoting the use of educational practices that implement gamification, design thinking, transmedia, the flipped classroom and others, allows the socialization of knowledge to be at the forefront of current global demands, in addition, provides tools to develop skills in areas of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM), contributing to the achievement of SDG 4.

The benefits that this study group provides to investigate the use of ICT in learning environments, and emerging pedagogies mediated by technologies are broad. It is evident that today's society is permeated by technology, studying and innovating in educational spaces, respecting individuality and learning.
Researching the use of ICT in the classroom makes it easier for institutions to identify educational trends to formulate action plans and programs both in teacher training and in the acquisition of technologies that are used efficiently in the continuous improvement of the educational process.
Educative technology, teaching, learning, educative research.