1 Ovidius University of Constanta (ROMANIA)
2 Maritime University of Constanta (ROMANIA)
3 VARD ShipYard Tulcea (ROMANIA)
4 Constanta ShipYard, Greece Representative Office (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN14 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 452-460
ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Profession option choice for an younger is a difficult process, with a serious impact on its future.

The parents influence in choosing the children career is often decisive. Family arguments categories used most often are: economic (tax education and duration of studies; safety and future of the profession on the labor market; the expected material benefits), affective (pride about the success of children; same profession with the parents), the preservation of traditions (a job close to home), social position (impose children to attend higher education; migration from rural to urban; social position conferred by profession).

The labor market rapid changes and new graduates low demand have to be taken into consideration in the profession choice. The youngers are concerned not only by domestic labor market most wanted professions but on foreign labor market where much of youngers wish to practice also. The economic and social conditions are giving the profession choosing criteria and should be in accordance with labor market providing and the youngers expectations and needs. Job stability, salary, company reputation, prospects for promotion or opportunity to practice as many jobs are currently most common criteria.

Number of youngers which have difficulty in the labor market entering and the sustainable career development is increasing worldwide. Unemployment, as result of labor oversupply is a macroeconomic imbalance with the worst effects either on the individual nor on the entire economy. An important role in the labor supply redistribution has the labor geographical mobility by regional migration. The labour migration is one of the ways that regions can adjust to economic changes.

By its content, the paper aims is to present the main factors that influence students, in shipbuilding and shipsrepairing activities for profession and job choosing. The study covers the period 2000 - 2013 and refers to students and graduates of university programs as Maritime Systems and Equipment and Welding Engineering offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Industrial and Maritime Engineering from "Ovidius" University of Constanta. By students questioning has been obtained information and were fired conclusions why they chose this profession, the influencing and the pressure factors that they have become aware. Interpretation of student opinion surveys also, has allowed knowledge on the labor market awareness and the opportunities that they expect. The study presents also, a statistical study regarding graduates insertion on the labor market (based on information provided by the school management program that the university has and with employers also). There were monitored sources of the students origin also (rural or urban area, the adjacent or distant area from university site) and the level of graduates employability on the labor market, highlighting the phenomenon of geographical migration in search of stable employment, well paid and with opportunities for advancement and/or accession on foreign labor market.

The paper also presents opinions, suggestions and recommendations of major employers in respect to the factors that influence youngers in shipbuilding and ships repairs activity profession and a job choosing , including a series of corrective measures and remedies for youngers training level increasing in the future for their knowledge, skills and competences diversification and their insertion in the labor market.