Universidad Estatal de Milagro (ECUADOR)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 10346 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2533
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced progressive integration in various sectors, particularly highlighting its application in the field of higher education. This trend responds to the constant search, by educational institutions, to incorporate cutting-edge technologies that enhance the teaching and learning processes. In this context, it is imperative to deepen the analysis of current trends and significant advances in research on the application of AI in higher education, in order to understand its impact and the opportunities it offers for educational innovation.

This study aimed to analyze research trends in artificial intelligence applied to higher education through a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications from 1991 to 2024.

A bibliometric review of scientific articles related to AI and its application in higher education was carried out, for this purpose data was extracted from the Web of Science database. The countries, institutions, authors and keywords of these articles were analyzed and the analysis tool available on the Web of Science was used for this purpose. The Web of Science database was chosen due to the prestige it has among the scientific community. To select the publications, a search strategy was used that included the words: artificial intelligence, higher education, use and trend; with their respective synonyms.

502 publications between 1991 and 2024 (March 28) related to AI in higher education were identified in Web of Science. The number and pace of annual publications gradually increased. China ranked highest in number of publications, followed by the United States and India. Tecnológico de Monterrey was the most influential institution and Engineering was the most productive magazine. Chen Y. heads the list of researchers on this topic. Finally, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is the agency that finances the most research related to the topic evaluated. It also identified the temporal evolution of publications and citations; and, collaboration networks between authors and institutions.

The identified publications are covered by 2,393 authors, 370 journals, 92 countries or territories and 1,099 institutions. Four main areas of research can be distinguished in the field of AI in higher education:
1) education educational research,
2) computer science, engineering and mathematics. The first of the identified areas occupies the greatest attention among researchers.

This study provides an overview of research trends in AI applied to higher education, highlighting advances, emerging topics and key players in this field. The results can serve as a basis for future research and for strategic decision-making in educational institutions interested in integrating AI into their educational programs and practices.
Artificial intelligence, higher education, trends.