International Specialised Skills Institute (AUSTRALIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 3255-3264
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.0873
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
The futures of many vulnerable students are being shaped by untrained Education Support ES staff in Australia. ES assist and support teachers in classrooms where students can have intellectual, physical, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Worldwide, ES staff have many titles, such as Teaching Assistants, Integration Aides, Allied Educators, Teacher Aides, Learning Support Officers and Inclusion Aides. Whilst a growing number of ES are employed in our classrooms it is not compulsory for ES to be qualified to work in schools in Australia.

At EDULEARN19 I propose an interactive format to share knowledge about Education Support and promote international strategic networking. I will introduce myself and the research I have discovered as part of my Fellowship and then ask for people from varying countries to mingle and get into groups to discuss four questions/objectives:
1. Are qualifications for Education Support ES staff necessary in your country?
2. How does your country provide support to ES staff when managing student behaviour?
3. How are teachers advised to work with ES staff?
4. How does your country provide Professional Development to ES staff?
The small groups will then report back to each other to identify similarities/differences.

Data Collection:
Australia has identified a need to improve the working conditions for ES staff and is working towards offering ongoing Professional Development to deal with the barriers to learning they encounter daily. Australian Teacher Aide ATA is the peak industry organisation for education paraprofessionals in Australian schools. They develop the capacity of teacher aides in Australian schools by providing relevant professional development. ATA and I are in collaboration and I can share their research data globally.
I am an experienced classroom teacher, who moved into training adults on how to be Education Support ES staff in Victoria, Australia. I have observed ES staff working with students with special needs in over 45 schools and have noted they are often given minimal direction from classroom teachers who expect ES are behaviour specialists. ATA have conducted surveys and I can share their research findings on how teachers and education support staff can collaborate to improve the outcomes for students.

In 2018, I was able to travel to the UK to see that work is being undertaken to pursue best practice in this area. Upon my return I was awarded an International Vocational & Education Training VET Practitioner Fellowship sponsored by the Victorian Department of Education and Training DET. This has allowed me to travel overseas in June and July 2019. I hope the interactive nature of my session from EDULEARN19 and the networking opportunities will assist with my research. I intend to report my findings back to the DET to promote positive change and hope other countries will be inspired.
Inclusion, support, assist, training, issues.