Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1610-1618
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0437
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The attention of scientists to the challenges of the globalizing world, which is currently experiencing a serious pandemic test, is determined, among other things, by sociolinguistic, psychological and pedagogical problems, which entail a revision, audit of the methodological paradigm assessment of the format of the organization of the educational process, which raises the authority of the teacher of RFL for foreign students, especially by the initial stage of training: through them students begin to get acquainted with Russia, its people, its culture and, of course, the language. Let us dwell on the experience of implementing "Scientific and Methodological School of Russian Studies" in the Republic of Armenia, within the framework of which the listeners were able to take part in the online webinar "Methodical Studies", as a part of the video conference "From Traditions to Innovations", and the video lecture "Game Technologies" and in master class "Lesson of RFL with a plus sign". Outlining the goals and objectives of the events in general, let us single out the main one, that is expanding information and methodological opportunities for making foreign educational institutions teachers familiar with the author's methods of teaching the Russian language and literature.

The scale of the events, the number of participants show that there is a need to create conditions for the exchange of advanced educational technologies, to organize platforms for professional communication of teachers. All this increases the quality of informational, advisory, methodological support of teachers.

This article provides information and advisory materials on the designated topics of events. So, "Methodological studies" include:
1) "Pitfalls" of the initial stage: how to get around them? ",
2)" The text is the teacher's best friend: didactic techniques ";
3) "Necessary and sufficient in teaching (on the example of the topic" Verbs of motion. "Completing the" studies "is a historical commentary:" The cherry on the cake "or something more?

The videoconference named "From Traditions to Innovations" will offer a discussion of the problem of intensifying the educational process through the use of intensive methods. During the period of online learning the following techniques were widely used in language classes: learning in collaboration, project learning, tandem method, etc. The materials of the video lecture "Game technologies" (GT) give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of using GT in the process of teaching the Russian language at different stages of learning, as well as removing the "emotional burnout" syndrome inherent in the online learning format. GT is viewed as a holistic model that obeys the leading idea - not to learn while playing, but to learn with pleasure. RFL with a plus sign "answers the postulate: an RFL lesson is not an ordinary lesson". The choice of didactic means, the content of the educational material, the method of presenting a word in the lesson should be subordinate to the main goal, which is teaching students to speak Russian. Grammatical accuracy is auxiliary. It only provides the development and formation of speaking skills. Each activity prepares students for the next stage. So, in order to develop the skills of monologue speech, one should work with the text, therefore, the central place in the RFL lesson is given to the work with the text.
Paradigmatic assessment of the teaching format, the implementation of scientific and methodological events, an exchange of advanced educational technologies.