1 University Gustave Eiffel (FRANCE)
3 Université Lorraine (FRANCE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5643-5650
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1213
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
In this work, we show the evolution of the teaching methods of technical and scientific subjects in human resources training. Human resource management has seen the emergence of new skills with new tools such as Business Intelligence, AI and in general bigdata, which increasingly help in the governance of human resource management, introduce also the Data-Driven Human Resources.

These needs of skill acquisition by students seem to be complex by conventional teaching methods due to their profile. Despite a clear motivation, we come up against a difficulty linked to classical pedagogical approaches whether it is a question of method or rhythm. This is why the digital learning approach seems relevant to us. This leads us to set up new lessons through "serious games" and simulators of cases representative of reality.

These learning methods make it possible to improve the understanding of the issues and the appropriation of the knowledge necessary for the development of skills and know-how of the profession, for example social negotiation, management of the wage, recruitment, etc. . In fact, the main sources of information behind the analysis and the suggestions below are found in the databases which are the basis for managing the HR information system. These information systems have been enriched with several parameters allowing being able to develop precise indicators, which allow managers to increase efficient decisions, thanks to the bigdata which is essential to respond to issues such as recruitment, attrition phenomena, etc.

These tools obviously make it possible to improve the effectiveness of training for an audience less anchored in the discipline taught. This is not antithetical to its educational or disciplinary use. It is nevertheless certain that the study of these technical courses to novice audiences will bring an interest to our students in a so-called practical situation hence the situated learning.

Situated learning is a method of integrating learning into contextualized practice. It is a question of carrying out authentic activities which allow the student to form relevant knowledge and adapted to the reality of the profession. This learning is done in four phases according to Kolb cycle. It involves a dynamic of actions linking the learner to a group in a social dimension of work. This simulation allows the student to better understand the concepts and variations of their applications according to relationships and context.

However, these serious games are carried out with an educational approach. Our study is based on the work of Piaget for whom intelligence is a special case of biological adaptation, where an organism must adapt to its environment by finding solutions to the problems encountered. Facing an imbalance, the student must acquire and appropriate knowledge and rules of the system. Knowing these mechanisms, he can find solutions by adapting the models learned.

We will therefore show in our reflection that these new forms of knowledge are well accessible to our learners with the implementation of adapted serious games.
Learning tools, Information and Communication Theory, Serious game, Business Game, Constructivism.