1 Universidad Industrial de Santander (COLOMBIA)
2 Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 3348-3355
ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 17-19 November, 2014
Location: Seville, Spain
Nowadays, with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), governments try to focus their actions considering civic inclusion in a participatory way; however, factors as the digital illiteracy, the lack of civic competences in multiple contexts, the poor orientation of the educational programs toward lifelong learning, the absence of strategic plans of ICT incorporation at organizational levels and the absence of clear government rules to generate solutions adapted to the needs of the country, have made that these initiatives do not advance according to the wishes and with the promotion of the effective use of resources, the transparency and the participation approaches proposed in the Electronic Government standards.

In a Smart City, where new opportunities are involved for thinking and acting in the economical, social and technical contexts to make for a sustainable world, a better quality of life and an efficient use of the available services and resources, there exists the Smart Governance concept focused on the civic participation of the city government. The Electronic Government web sites have been one of the means to encourage this participation; nevertheless, it has not much advanced in that sense at least in Colombia, due to the absence of methodologies and public policies that address the process with the required stringency using really inclusive and assisted environments based on experience. In a similar way, there is not clarity about how the gathered information by the user's interaction through these portals is transformed in knowledge or it is used to increase the innovative and competitive proficiency of the government institutions.

By this work, a conceptual model and a technological solution are proposed to make a social weave which will reinforce the necessary social and human capital such that the Intelligent Governance mediated by ICT be effective. This whole process will be managed by the lifelong learning concept. The design of inclusive pedagogical scenarios and the follow-up of the user's interaction on those educational contents, there will be fundamental piece to assure the success of the experience.

The strengths of the web technology, especially considering tools to guide the participation and collaboration among users with a common aim, as well as to the intelligent analysis of the information to be transformed in knowledge and to allow the offer of “just for the case" products and services, are proposed as essentials for the pedagogical scenario design to be used for the digital and civic competences development, all those necessary to establish the lifelong learning culture in the Society.

The validation of the model will drive the strategies for the relationship Government-citizen (G2C - Government to Citizen) and Citizen-government (C2G Citizen to Government) consolidation, evaluating the citizen in his/her dimensions as a member of the Information Society (sensitized and qualified) and the Government as an entity expert of the citizen's necessities which offers clear, intuitive and simple services to make easy its administration and to reinforce its relationship with the citizen.
Lifelong learning, smart city, social reengineering, culture development, smart governance.