Universidad de Córdoba (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2011 Proceedings
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 3649-3656
ISBN: 978-84-615-3324-4
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 14-16 November, 2011
Location: Madrid, Spain
Labour Sciences, at the University of Córdoba, and it will be named Strategic Management in the new curriculum, as has been published recently in the Official Journal (BOE of November 11, 2010). But this does not mean just a name change; it implies a deeper transformation of teaching to adapt to the demands of the European Higher Education Area.
A new problem arouses in how to configure the teaching guide: there are limitations set forth in the new curriculum, and the methodology has to be updated including an analysis of the time spent on student activities in the classroom. It is not to be considered as a system of evaluation to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives defined in response to new learning process set. The course specifically targets the formation of the company's general manager. It seeks to provide an overview of the management of the company highlighting the need to think in the long term and to coordinate and integrate the functional departments of the company and to pursue the same general objectives, these are broken down into several specific and particular objectives.
The learning objectives, on which the training activities are based, must be related to the concepts, skills, abilities, attitudes and procedures to be developed by the student once the learning process is finished. In this sense we will focus on the formulation of appropriate objectives to the institutional, professional, curricular, teaching and learning of that subject. In regard to all generic and specific skills (cognitive knowledge, procedural skills and attitudes) these are identified in the White Paper of Labour Relations and Human Resources and, in the same document title grade.
In order to achieve the objectives, the course aims to combine the acquisition of knowledge and management tools with the active participation of students in building knowledge and approach to the reality of strategic management. Teaching methodology consists of the following techniques:
Lectures, practical classes, case studies, critical commentaries, reports and working exercises, exhibitions of individual working papers, conferences, self-evaluation, also visits are important to companies, group mentoring sessions by the teacher is a compulsory activity, offering individual and group assistance…
In the development of teaching with the new requirements is essential to use the Virtual Classroom. This course it is in the virtual learning platform on the University, and now, in the new platform developed specifically for the new grades. Specifically, to design the program of practical activities, the following considerations are taken into account: i) basic and specific skills set by the new curriculum for graduates in Industrial Relations and Human Resources and more specifically, those that are contained in the teaching guide, ii) the competencies and skills that are in demand for these professionals as recorded by the White Paper mentioned iii) the range of activities proposed that allow students to become familiar with various forms of presentation, with the completion of individual work in small groups or larger groups and with different levels of difficulty and iv) the most common errors and deficiencies in the development of practical activities, detected by the candidate in his years of teaching experience.
Teaching Guide, Strategic Management, EHEA.