Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN15 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 3403-3409
ISBN: 978-84-606-8243-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2015
Location: Barcelona, Spain
A significant part of the university education is currently done using a traditional methodology. In this methodology, a significant percentage of class time is dedicated to the presentation of the contents of each subject by the teacher, which takes time to other activities.
In this environment it is important to ask whether it is possible for students to obtain greater achievements when taking subjects like Mathematics if activities are organized using a different methodology than the traditional one.

Theory can be studied by the student at home using the existing technological advances to facilitate this process. In addition, on-line systems can be set to assess the learning degree before the student enters class.

This allows classes to be dedicated to other more practical and experiential activities related to individual and group work, case studies based on gamification, and other collaborative learning activities in which the interaction between the students and the teacher is more relevant, in which the student may feel more protagonist and closer to reality and can verify that mathematics is a part of his life.

The methodology presented by this type of educational innovation in which activities traditionally performed in the classroom starts being practiced at home and vice versa, is called Flipped Classroom (FC).
The key question addressed in this article is the result obtained by students using this new teaching methodology and how it compares to the result obtained with the traditional system.

The objective of this research is to precisely analyze the effect of the use of FC methodology on the achievements of students in Mathematics in the Business Area of the Francisco de Vitoria University. The obtained information allows to analyze and compare the results in terms of skills development, learning outcomes and student satisfaction with each methodology and try to demonstrate the benefit of these practices, and why they promote learning of mathematics: positive interdependence, face to face interaction, individual responsibility, group behavior (interpersonal skills, social, collaborative needed to successfully work with others), and group processing to work collaboratively.
In summary, the FC methodology informs the student about cooperative learning and goodness in the development of mathematical competence; generating activities and new spaces to practice math skills and concepts; allows reasoning and problem solving with peers and make connections with other skills and disciplines.
FC methodology, using gamification, builds activities adapted to students’ needs and difficulty levels and helps them improve their learning of Mathematics.
Flipped Classroom, gamification, educational innovation results, new teaching methodologies.