Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (CHILE)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4909-4915
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1271
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Recently there has been a great interest of students collaborating in university courses focused on entrepreneurship and education for sustainability. This consideration has been evidenced by numerous aspects, such as:
(1) requirements in education facilitating the integration of real experiences into pedagogical programs;
(2) a collaboration with companies as a manner to develop skills, competences, and visions oriented to entrepreneurship; and
(3) a trend towards creating more entrepreneurship in higher education.

Despite the relevant literature focused on the topics of entrepreneurship and education for sustainability in the classroom, there is little research for students in certain pedagogical environments. Moreover, in companies and organizations, both investors and employees has started to take the ethical responsibilities of business more and more seriously. For example, the energy sector has been hit especially hard by this, with reductions in subsidies and more taxes worldwide. These factors have caused strategy changes toward greener solutions in many of the world’s petroleum companies. In this sense, the Norwegian company Equinor has taken this one step further as they have not only changed their strategy but also their name and logo. Earlier they called themselves Statoil, but through a series of changes in logos and names since 2007, they are now called Equinor and identify themselves as an energy company rather than an oil company.

This work is aimed to evidence the effects of involvement for understanding certain academic results in higher education.

This paper aims:
(1) to identify some considerations and attitudes linked to postgraduate involvement in higher education, and
(2) to analyse the main effects of student’s involvement developing a case study methodology.

Focusing on the most relevant cues of students, we carried out a methodology based on a case study. In addition, a questionnaire was applied to students to evaluate whether the generational component influences their academic outcomes related to involvement. Students were invited to record their experiences, and the results show that participants experienced positive feelings during this experimental period, as well as difficulties in the development of certain functional tasks.

This study focuses on an applied perspective on leaning interactions as a tool for the creation and transmission of knowledge and emotions, due to its versatility of execution, being perceived in its original environment.
Learning, teaching, sustainability, Higher Education, Chile.