State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau (MOLDOVA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5386-5389
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1412
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The educational (university) environment offers excellent opportunities for training young people with disabilities in social skills and participation in the life of the community they belong to and work in. In the case of students with disabilities, the socially active position is part of the professionalisation and social integration program; without it, employment and successful activation in the labor field after graduating from the faculty are impossible.

The purpose of the research: to identify the models of inclusive education for young people with disabilities, the ways of involving students with SEN in active social life, the difficulties and barriers in access to training for people with disabilities to cover the necessary information in the qualitative analysis relevant to the field of disability from the perspective of training professional and preventing social exclusion.

Research hypothesis: The educational environment offers excellent opportunities for training young people with disabilities in socialization skills and sustained participation in the life of the community in which they live and work. In the case of students with disabilities, the active social position is part of the professionalization and social integration program; without it, employment and successful activation in the labor field after graduating from the faculty is impossible.

Methodology: observation, description, comparison, testing, study, simulation.

- The integration of students with disabilities into social life takes place at various relational levels: students with disabilities - students without disabilities; students with disabilities - administrative, teaching, non-teaching staff; students with disabilities - multidisciplinary team; students with and without disabilities from different educational institutions from the given locality and from other localities.
- After having mastered the theoretical training courses and simulation classes (social tests), students with disabilities are given the opportunity to apply in practice, in real conditions, the acquired knowledge and skills.
- The most suitable areas of social activism for them are: charity actions; the socio-cultural events organized at the educational institution level and at the community level; resource and community centers for families, children and young people; creative and sports centers; organization of festivities, exhibitions, competitions, intra- and extra-university contests; volunteering activities under the auspices of specialized NGOs; collaboration with pre-university, special, inclusive educational institutions sponsored by the university, etc.

The data of the study provided evidence that within an educational institution, a large group of people deal with the involvement of students with disabilities in social activities - from teaching staff responsible for education at the university level, heads of academic groups, young teachers with interest of research and up to the student-leaders of the various voluntary formations in the student autonomy system, as well as the members of some socially active associations, established on criteria of common interests. When developing social tests, specialists from outside the university can also be involved (sociologists, NGO leaders, psychopedagogues, etc.)
Disability, inclusion, university environment, barriers, and social-active position.