2 Externato Santa Clara / Academia Beatriz Ribeiro / CEOS.PP / Cátedra UNESCO de Juventude, Educação e Sociedade (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 3191-3198
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0834
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
There is evidence to support two contrasting views about the psychological well‐being of gifted children; that giftedness enhances resiliency in individuals and that giftedness increases vulnerability. There is empirical and theoretical evidence to support both views. It is clear that giftedness influences the psychological well‐being of individuals. Whether the psychological outcomes for gifted children, adolescents, and adults are positive or negative seems to depend on at least three factors that interact synergistically: the type of giftedness, the educational fit, and one's personal characteristics. This study addresses the effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions in gifted children and adolescents through the use of systematic literature review. To achieve this purpose, articles in databases and institutional repositories were analysed, articles schematised using the Prisma method and using the tool. In the initial phase, eight stages were performed, including the definition of the research question, objectives, identification of authors who stand out in the scientific production in the last five years in the european and american continent, identification of psychological assessment protocols that prove to be useful for the diagnosis of giftedness and recognition of Gardner and Renzulli's contributions to the explanation of the characteristics of giftedness, selection of primary sources, definition of search strings, choice of inclusion and exclusion criteria, selection of qualification categories, as well as the development of a timeline for the systematic literature review exercise. In the processing phase, three stages were fulfilled, which included conducting the search, analysing the results and schematising the selected studies. Finally, in the last phase, four steps were performed, such as inserting alerts in the identified scientific journals, cataloguing and storing the selected studies, analysing the content of the studies and preparing a synthesis. The identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion of articles was accomplished, a process that resulted in 5 articles that met all the pre-defined requirements. With the purposes of comparing the effectiveness of different interventions, recognising the stages of the programmes implemented, the cores of meaning were determined, and the interventions that were the starting point for the construction of each article were identified. It is found that by adopting inclusion policies for gifted students, the global education community is aligned with the goals set out in the Education 2030 Framework for Action and towards Objectives of Sustainable Development 4 and 10, because, although giftedness is wrongly seen as a characteristic of superiority, it lacks as many opportunities for equality as other minorities' inclusion needs. This study analyses the contributions of NEPAHS, ANEIS, REINEVA and ADIPSIEDUC. The scarcity of evaluation of interventions through Reliable Change Index stands out. This research is in line with the research being carried out by the international network of the UNESCO Chair in Youth, Education and Society, with an emphasis on the psychological well-being of giftdness students - the goal of this research is to both create awareness on, and provide guidance to students and teachers regarding giftedness.
Psychoeducational interventions, giftedness, psychological well‐being, systematic literature review.