University of Málaga (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 6815-6819
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1617
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The digitalisation of the labour market, as well as the constant technological evolution to which humans have been exposed in recent years, has led to a growth in careers related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) [1]. In fact, the number of STEM-related jobs has significantly increased in recent years [2]. Indeed, the number of students interested in these topics has strongly grown in the last decade, however, this growth has not been gender-equitable. According to “Datos y cifras del Sistema Universitario Español” [3], the presence of women in STEM fields is about 30%, this percentage being even lower in the field of Technology (3%) and Engineering (8%). In addition, this gap is even more accentuated when considering leadership positions in this technological sector, with only 5% of women [4].

Analysing the above data, it is interesting to understand the mindset of students admitted in STEM degrees, as well as different disciplines such as Law or Economics, so that possible causes of this gender differences and, subsequently, solutions can be studied. An efficient way of learning about these opinions is through seminars given by expert lecturers on different subjects to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students. Specifically, the authors of this paper belong to the educational innovation project LIFEPRO-STEAM. This project aims to provide students with an interdisciplinary training experience on different disciplines, as well as to encourage students’ creativity and skills in the transmission of their knowledge, and to highlight the relevance of female participation.

During the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 a total of 6 seminars have been given to students of different academic years and disciplines , such as Economics, English Studies, Law, Computer Science and Engineering. After each seminar, students were given a common questionnaire in which they could express their opinion on a variety of topics, including the role of women in STEM careers and leadership. For the analysis, the results of each seminar were computed by averaging the score obtained for each question computed by Liker scale.

Thus, the obtained results are as follows. Three questions, highlighting their role in the working groups, show scores above 4 points in all cases. However, in two questions, whose contents are related to the comfort in assuming the role of leader, addressed to women, the scores remain at values near 3. The conclusion drawn from these results is clear. On the one hand, it is observed that the students see the participation of women in team tasks as relevant. However, the second conclusion is that women do not feel satisfied with taking on the role of leader, which reduces their motivation to take on this role again. Thus, through these seminars this group aims, first, to promote the role of women in the leadership role.

[1] La Verdad, “Las profesiones 'STEAM' revolucionan el mercado laboral y formativo”, Economía Región de Murcia, La Verdad, [Accesible online] 2021.; [2] Dare EA, Keratithamkul K, Hiwatig BM, Li F. Beyond Content: The Role of STEM Disciplines, Real-World Problems, 21st Century Skills, and STEM Careers within Science Teachers’ Conceptions of Integrated STEM Education. Education Sciences. 2021; 11(11):737.;
[3] Datos y cifras del Sistema Universitario Español, Publicación 2022-2023.;
[4] World Economic Forum, [Accesible online] 2023.
Education, STEM, women, leadership, seminars.