ISEC Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 7064 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1669
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
University-industry collaboration plays a crucial role in fostering innovation, knowledge transfer, and economic development. However, establishing effective connections between businesses and higher education institutions requires a comprehensive understanding of current trends and challenges. This paper explores the creation and implementation of an innovative event at a private polytechnic higher education institution in Lisbon, Portugal - ISEC Lisbon - called "TOP TRENDS," that brings together the HEI and the business and industry partners. In 2023 ISEC Lisbon organized 3 TOP TRENDS events in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Aeronautics and Local Administration, gathering more than 40 industry partners each. Based on the canvas model for university partnerships, proposed by Frølund L., Murray F., and Riedel M. (2018), the event comprised a set of questions whose answers can help develop systematic approaches to interactions between academia and businesses, thus creating value for both. It can also help create transparency in partnerships, particularly regarding objectives, formats, performance indicators, and organizational structures supporting the partnership.

The primary objective of these events was to identify key areas and strategies to enhance the connection between businesses and higher education institutions.

The canvas methodology provided a structured framework for collaborative ideation and problem-solving. By bringing together representatives from academia and industry, the TOP TRENDS event facilitated open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. Through a series of structured activities, participants analysed current trends, challenges, and opportunities in university-industry collaboration. The canvas methodology guided participants through the exploration of various dimensions, including technology, market dynamics, policy landscape, and institutional capabilities.

By involving stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations, the event encouraged holistic perspectives and innovative solutions. This interdisciplinary approach was essential for addressing complex challenges and leveraging the complementary strengths.

During the event, participants engaged in interactive sessions to brainstorm ideas, identify best practices, and propose actionable recommendations, providing a structured framework for capturing insights and synthesizing collective wisdom.

The main findings on activating partnerships between academia and organizations include a broad range of objectives for establishing such partnerships, spanning from technological development to sustainability goals. The potential benefits highlighted encompass access to new knowledge, technologies, and skilled professionals, as well as opportunities for innovation and collaboration in research and development. Identified challenges revolve around resource allocation, alignment of priorities, and organizational capacity. Key performance indicators for evaluating partnerships include mutual benefit, project completion, and the achievement of predefined objectives, with an emphasis on employability and the successful integration of research outcomes into practical applications. Overall, success is defined by the realization of shared goals, the quality of collaboration, and the tangible outcomes generated through the partnership.
University-Industry Collaboration, Stategic Alliances, University Partnerships, Canvas Model.