UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2018 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 5415-5420
ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2018.1279
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
Central Purpose of This Study:
This research aims at analyzing the entrepreneurial training of undergraduate students of the undergraduate degree in librarianship at a Federal Public University in Brazil.

Theoretical Framework:
The research discusses the analytical categories related to the research problem and considered for the definition of the objectives: topics related to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills and the Brazilian professional market for the professional librarian with an entrepreneurial demeanor (ROSA et al, 2015).
Since 1962, Brazilian law recognizes Librarian as a profession. The librarian, in a general sense, is seen as the professional who works in libraries. However, their training deals with information in a much broader sense, not just libraries. The workplaces opportunities and endeavor possibilities for the librarian are many. Librarians can also develop and carry out his work in an entrepreneurial way in the institution where they work, through intrapreneurship.
However, the training of such a professionals does not always favor the development of entrepreneurial skills, which may limit their professional performance when inserted into the job market. Entrepreneurship is as a discipline of practices and results, it is the entrepreneurial spirit, it is the practice of undertaking, it is the result of this practice (LEITE, 2002).
Entrepreneurship opens up new work possibilities, spotlights the professional and values characteristics such as creativeness, innovativeness, flexibility, vision and proactiveness (PAULA et al, 2017). However, these skills are not always developed during the training period of the course in the higher education institution.

Search Method:
From a qualitative perspective, the research was exploratory and descriptive in nature, delimited by undergraduate librarians from a federal public university in northeastern Brazil, graduates and graduates who act as entrepreneurs. In this investigation, the instruments used in the data collection were interviews and questionnaires, with the purpose of interpretation and analysis to provide a basis for the research. Data analysis occurred through content analysis.

Results and Conclusions:
The study shows that the field of entrepreneurship in the area of librarianship is legitimate, and that there are numerous opportunities for librarians to thrive. Nevertheless, there is a need for changes in the undergraduate course structure of librarianship in Brazil. There is an increasing need for a multidisciplinary and innovative vision, improvement of their entrepreneurial skills and continuous addition of new knowledge, if they want to be relevant members of the labor market. Reaching those goals will entitle librarianship and its professionals to be recognized for their achievements, and for the ability to modify the environment they belong to. Besides, it values and increases the possibilities of professional work, creating a new identity for librarians in the Brazilian society.
Librarianship, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial librarian.