Universidade de TrĂ¡s-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 5796-5803
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1173
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The context in which we find ourselves has required major changes in the way we teach, making it essential to use digital resources to develop students' reasoning skills, critical thinking and scientific and technological knowledge. For the development of these skills the teacher has a fundamental role. Teaching at a distance requires, on the one hand, that the teacher knows how to select digital resources and how to integrate them and, on the other hand, that his pedagogical, technological and content knowledge must be transformed and adapted to the new demands. Geometry is, without a doubt, the most difficult area of mathematics to teach in synchronous and asynchronous classes since it requires the mobilization of several skills. The role of the teacher in teaching geometric concepts and properties is of fundamental importance, both in planning the tasks and in mediating their implementation in the classroom. As technology is considered a highly interactive tool, its use is an asset to teaching and even more so in distance education, and can be used either to show patterns quickly, efficiently and accurately, or for manipulation, allowing the exploration of conjectures and confirmation of known results. The use of educational software as a teaching resource is becoming increasingly common, but it is up to the teacher to select in an informed and careful way the software that best meets the needs of their students. The aim of this study focused on the analysis of some educational digital resources available online to teach geometry, taking into account the difficulties arising from teaching at a distance, in order to contribute to the development of the notion of space and shape, geometric reasoning, spatial visualization and metric and proportional reasoning by the students. We intend to investigate how teachers can develop and improve their teaching practice in teaching geometry at a distance, using specific tools, supported by the model provided by the TIM matrix (Technology Integration Matrix). This matrix contains descriptors for teaching practice, establishing a correlation between the level of integration of these technologies and the learning environment that is obtained, since when teachers use the theoretical basis of the TIM model as a guide, the development of tasks using digital technologies that are motivating for students is facilitated. The teacher's selection of these digital resources for distance learning classes, and the way he orchestrates the activities, will allow for different levels of learning on the part of the students, starting with Active learning, moving to Collaborative, followed by Constructive, Authentic, and culminating with Objective learning. We will also analyze which tools are the most appropriate to achieve each of the learning levels proposed in the matrix. In this way, the TIM model will serve for a self-reflection of the teacher's teaching practice on their own abilities to integrate technology into geometry teaching, as well as to monitor progress towards improving their students' learning.
TIM Matrix, geometry, technology, distance learning, software.