University of St. Thomas (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 8394-8401
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2162
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
This paper examines the challenge of reaching the whole community, especially vulnerable populations in the COVID-19 global pandemic response. Harris County (a local municipal region including 34 cities, the largest being Houston) encompasses 1,777 square miles and has a population of 4.7 million people. Harris County is home to a very diverse population with over 145 languages spoken and hosts over 90 consulates. Reaching all residents for COVID-19 response efforts proved a challenging task.

Strategies for the response were dynamic; great effort was placed on inclusivity while engaging elected officials, international consulates, community leaders, faith, and culturally based organizations. Scholarly research posits that reaching vulnerable populations plays an essential role in combating Public Health issues including COVID-19 in the community. Response efforts included the development of a resilience and equity branch for key community strategies which proved a tremendous tool for promoting local response efforts. This paper describes the activities of the COVID-19 pandemic response in a very densely populated, international community in a large United States geographic area. Additional discussion is offered on the broader social phenomenon of online and in-person networks and how they affect policy makers' interactions with citizens, as well as the impact of community efforts on both internal communications and the flow of information. It is hypothesized that as the response directly engages with the public, the greater the trust and size of the community impact. This is quantified by various measures such as tracking number of health appointments, tests administered, call center volume, vaccines dispensed, communities reached, outreach materials distributed, and overall response visibility.

Strategies and challenges for reaching vulnerable communities:
- Transportation- provide services within 10 miles of residence including special needs.
- Housing units- provide services to low income housing units
- Language- address multiple languages.
- Technology- reaching the community and sharing data with partners.

Strategic Community Partners: connect with trusted local community leaders including religious leaders, cultural community advocates, consulates, and non profits especially ones focusing on wrap around services for low income housing, seniors, and persons with disabilities and limited English proficiency.
All levels of Education became response partners. These included local schools, preschools, afterschool programs, community colleges, colleges and nonprofit education partnerships, which became very important to provide services to the community. The services included food distribution, personal protective equipment, testing, information kits, information, incentives and vaccines.

The key metrics identified are: Community Threat level; Hospitalization Population Trend; New cases trend; Positivity rate; Demographics by Age, Race and Ethnicity; and Top ten location hotspots (an internal metric to determine best location for the mobile unit deployments)

The vulnerability indicators are: Social Vulnerability Index (SVI); Language-language of origin if possible; Strategic Community Partners-trusted; Education; Wrap around services; and Transportation.

The presentation objectives are: Strategies for Reaching Vulnerable Populations; Communication; Metrics for Success; and Repeatability of Community Efforts.
COVID-19, Equity, Inclusion, Education, Leadership, Management, Uncertain times.