Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESCA - Santo Tomás (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1855-1859
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0562
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The objective of the research is to analyze the characteristics of authentic leadership as a training alternative at the postgraduate level. The appearance of the coronavirus has generated a series of social, economic, political, and educational effects in individuals and countries that have fostered an environment of uncertainty that has gradually altered the dynamics of institutions (Cabrera, 2020). In this sense, educational management in organizations abruptly underwent a radical change, thus transforming the functions and responsibilities of educational agents (del Arco et al., 2021). For its part, leadership is one of the factors that influences the performance of organizations and school improvement (Glatthorn et al., 2016). The intervention of the leader is significant and positively influences school improvement by incorporating various practices in the development of management actions such as promoting the mission and vision, managing organizational change, assuming responsibility for the professional development of staff, carrying out monitoring school practices and even becoming an agent of change for the creation of innovative actions (Steinberg, 2014).In order to make educational leadership a success factor in educational organizations, a new formation based on the environment of uncertainty is required in order to achieve the desirable results. Thus, educational leadership acquires relevance for its formation because it generates a projection of organizations with respect not only to its quality, but also currently implies educational transcendence and inclusion with an ethical sense. According to Avolio et al. (2004) an authentic leader is one who is aware of how he thinks, behaves, and is perceived by others as aware of their own values, morals, and knowledge, as well as located in the context in which they find themselves because of what they possess. confidence, hope, optimism, resilience, and high morale. In this sense, this definition contains fundamental elements such as positive psychological capacities, specific context, and positive behaviors (Luthans et al., 2004).

The study methodology was quantitative with a descriptive scope. The selected participants were those who completed their postgraduate studies in educational administration at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional with a total of 25 participants. The instrument designed to obtain the information was a questionnaire based on a Likert scale of five response options from 0 (not developed) to 4 (highly developed). The questionnaire was judged by experts to determine the validity of its content to subsequently obtain its reliability and internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient that was of 0.895. To organize the information collected, the SPSS program was used as a support tool in order to obtain the descriptive statistics.The main results the study was that the student body developed the following competencies at a consolidated level: generation of organizational commitment; knowledge of the school context; ethical decision making; promotion of inclusive structures; ethical organizational climate; promotion of collaborative relationships; self-regulation; proactive behaviors based on morality and self-awareness. The conclusion of the research is to include as a formative axis in postgraduate training in educational administration, authentic leadership as an approach to be used in educational organizations.
Authentic leadership, organizations, training, postgraduate, uncertain times.