Universidad de La Rioja (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8470-8478
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.2339
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Teacher training is in a continuous process of change, as it must be adapted to the new times and tools available. 3D modeling is gaining more and more strength as a strategy in teacher training since the possibilities it adds to the teaching work are very great and must be introduced assiduously. In this sense, the number of applications dedicated to modeling has been increasing and in this communication we present some of these tools, such as TinkerCAD or BlocksCAD, as well as a study on the main benefits offered by each, both for teacher training and for students of pre-university stages. Within the knowledge models of mathematics teachers, one of the knowledge that has been introduced over the years is technological as a fundamental pillar, since the inclusion of technologies in the classroom has proven to be a powerful ally for teaching them. This is because these technological tools allow, for example, the inclusion of simulations in the experiment of throwing a die or they serve as an aid in the three-dimensional visualization. In this sense, software such as GeoGebra or Mathigon are very interesting tools, as well as of great help in the understanding of different branches of mathematics that can be very complicated. In addition, it should not be forgotten that in the majority of cases students demand the use of these tools because learning is much more enjoyable. Both technological tools, TinkerCAD and BlocksCAD, have the option of being able to export the designs so that they can be printed on a 3D printer, an aspect that is fundamental for students and for future teachers beacause they are able to see the final product of the problem. On the other hand, working modeling with these tools helps improve visualization skills and contributes to the development of computational thinking because it allows working on aspects such as logic or the decomposition of the problem into smaller ones and, therefore, with a well-planned experience, mathematical competence can be developed in a more bearable and even profound way.

One methodology that can facilitate the use of this software is PBL (Problem-Based Learning). Through sequences of problems that can structure a didactic unit, well structured and based on concepts of geometry in space, in which the use of a CAD tool plays a fundamental role, 3D modeling skills are stimulated, as well as problem solving.

In this work, a possible didactic proposal related to 3D modeling will be exposed through these tools to work on different aspects of mathematics, including computational thinking or problem solving. Likewise, the positive effect that this type of tools can have for the development of visualization in three dimensions and the ease of its inclusion in the classroom will be evident.
Teacher training, mathematics education, modelling, proposal, tools.