Universitat de Barcelona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Absent or invisible, gender hardly ever appears explicitly in the teaching Plans of university grades in Spain. It has been relegated only to specialization pot-grade studies or masters and a few optional subjects at the grade level. We focus on here the particular case of the gender approach applied to the teaching of economy and history at the University of Barcelona, for the grades of Economy, Political Science, Business and Administration, and Labor Relationships. As a first stage, we analyze the particular situation of the gender approach at the teaching plan level of the academic structures for the grades involved into the study. As a second stage, we propose a teaching experience to include gender into subjects not explicitly related to gender issues. We will use different evaluation tools in order to see how the teaching experiment changes perceptions of the students, related to the gender dimension. From that point of view, in a broader perspective, the main goal of the teaching action consists on introducing the importance of power relationships, historical constructions and inequalities into our understanding of social complex realities. Keywords:
Gender Studies, University Teaching.