University of Valencia (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1100-1104
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0375
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
"Practicum I for Pediatric Patients" is a subject imparted in the 5th year of the Degree in Dentistry at the University of Valencia. In this subject, manual skills and detailed knowledge of dental processes play a crucial role, as students perform clinical practices with real patients. These abilities should be acquired during the learning process, as they are an essential requirement for the subsequent adequate development of clinical practices with patients. In the educational context, digital videos are part of the resources and multimedia materials to enhance and reinforce students' learning capabilities. Therefore, multimedia content was created on various dental processes so that students could visually review each step in detail.
This content is made available to students, allowing them to review it before each real practice session with patients. Additionally, a student satisfaction assessment was conducted regarding the creation of multimedia content, evaluating aspects such as its usefulness and how this content contributed to their confidence in performing dental procedures during clinical practices with patients.

The development of the multimedia content was coordinated by the faculty and recorded by the technical recording service of the University of Valencia. The objective was to create short and concise videos, no longer than 2 minutes, explaining specific and detailed dental processes. These videos were produced using simulation models, as well as real patients who came to the dental clinic of the University of Valencia to receive dental treatment, having previously signed an informed consent form. After their production, the videos were put at the disposal of the students through the Multimedia Server of the University of Valencia, linked through the Virtual Classroom. In addition, students completed a questionnaire regarding their perception of the multimedia content, assessing aspects such as its usefulness, motivation for content viewing, and increased confidence in performing procedures on real patients.

An increased interest was observed by the students after implementing the multimedia methodology in the educational plan of “Practicum I for Pediatric Patients” students, along with a notable self-confidence when applying dental procedures. Regarding the motivational aspect, the students showed a proactive attitude towards the creation of more content of this nature, suggesting the development of additional multimedia content for specific dental procedures. In addition, the students expressed interest in the digitalization of tutorials on the use of various software applications in dentistry.

The incorporation of multimedia content in the "Practicum I for Pediatric Patients" educational plan at the University of Valencia has positively impacted student interest and confidence in dental procedures. Student feedback underscored the perceived usefulness and motivational impact of the multimedia approach. In addition, their interest in digital dental software tutorials indicates a greater receptivity to technology integration in learning. Overall, the multimedia methodology has proven valuable, improving engagement and encouraging continued innovation in dental education.
Education, development, digital.