Politecnico di Milano (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2975-2980
ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 3rd International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 9-11 March, 2009
Location: Valencia, Spain
It is assumed that the cultural bases of the design project are founded on Basic Design. The origin of Basic Design can be tracced back to the preparatory course “vurkurs” of the Bauhaus school (1919/1935) and to the“grundkurs” of Hoschule für Gestaltung di Ulm (1954/1960).
In Italy, Prof. Attilio Marcolli (Dams of Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, student of the history of art professor Giulio Carlo Argan) in 1975 wrote his first article about Basic Design in a column for Ottagono, a quarterly review of architecture, interior design and industrial design. Marcolli describes his “education visual laboratory”, which born in that period, as a Basic Design course, propaedeutic to complex design projects.
In his laboratory he asked his students for elaborating visual and perceptual models, which was able to represent the theoretic and conceptual thought, like a maieutic method for a conscious and interdisciplinary use of human and science subjects.
The Basic Design is the ground of the historical culture of italian design and today meets the environmental design too, to support a competent, cognizant and creative planning of goods, products and services which formed the so called “material culture”.
We support the strategic needs of a design which increases the own influence, like a coherent and sustainable system, and his heart is nowadays in the human habitat: from the human design to the environmental design.
The Basic Design must be placed to the begin of formative experiences, such as the basic teaching method environmental oriented: the design for all.
education, innovation, research projects, teaching methodologies, academic experiences, practice.