Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 6752 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1602
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
This work describes an innovative educational experience in which the principles of Positive Leadership have been applied to the implementation of an active learning methodology in an undergraduate subject. The experience has been carried out during the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024, within the compulsory subject of Analytical Chemistry II: Instrumental Analysis, that is taught to the second-year students of the Degree in Pharmacy and the second-year students of the Double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Positive Leadership is a concept from the enterprise world related to the functioning and management of organizations that has driven excellent results in institutions and companies across a variety of sectors. In recent years, the concept has transcended the field of business and has broken into the world of higher education, due to its potential as a tool to improve the satisfaction and commitment of the agents involved in the teaching-learning process. It also represents an idea that connects well with the educational context promoted by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), redefining the role of the teacher as a leader in the classroom, who directs students, favoring their development and encourages them to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

The developed methodology is based on a combined Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Simulation-Based Learning (SBL) activity in which students prepare a proposal and apply for a research project in a simulated call for proposals that is launched by teachers on the virtual campus of the subject. At the end of the semester, a posters session is held where students are invited to present their work as in a real research diffusion event. The activity is on a voluntary basis and aims to familiarize students with the format of scientific documents and to improve soft skills such as teamwork and oral and written communication. The methodology has been previously tested in a pilot experience carried out in the 2022-2023 academic year, where the PBL and SBL tasks where defined. In the academic year 2023-2024, guiding the activity under the principles of Positive Leadership has allowed teachers to highlight the relevance of Analytical Chemistry in pharmaceutical work, has increased student participation and has promoted the achievement of learning outcomes beyond the subject curriculum.
Positive Leadership, Project Based Learning, Simulation Based Learning, Research Projects, Teamwork, Communication Skills.