1 Oslice (SPAIN)
2 Universidad de Jaén (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1878-1884
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0569
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Currently, in engineering studies, students have concerns related to entrepreneurship. Despite this, it is necessary to train, guide and motivate students for them to be able to identify opportunities in their professional field.

This experience is developed within the framework of a project to promote entrepreneurial culture. The project involved entrepreneurship training in the classroom incorporating the nuance of sustainable entrepreneurship given the importance of this transversal competence and its relationship with the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs).

The teachers involved in the project are supported by the concept of student mentoring as a tool that helps the students to train in sustainable entrepreneurship, as well as to develop this competence in an effective way.

This paper exposes how the mentor-students’ meetings were organized, the work of the mentor and his interaction with the students. In the first stage, the entrepreneur explained his professional career and how his business idea arose. Then, he explained the basics of the hyperspectral technique in which his invention is based and how he uses it in the agri-food sector. This way, the students learn that a technique could be considered as a business idea if it is possible to innovate in a sector with economic benefit. Finally, this innovative idea is connected to the SDGs.

The novelty of the idea is how hyperspectral technology has been applied to the agricultural sector, since it is possible to correlate physical and chemical properties of the fruit with the results obtained from the technique. The files obtained by inspecting fruit allow us to correlate some variables with whether the fruit is sweet, therefore riper, and is more attractive to the human taste. The development of this technology is connected to the SDG 3, 8 and 9. Related to SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), there are several studies in which the quality of food is related to the health of people, as well as the high level of soluble solids in fruits increase people's positive perception of fruit, and therefore their well-being. This technology is a new way of determination of the quality of the food to be able to be marketed. Considering SDG 8, (Decent work and economic growth), this technology adds value to certain manual jobs, providing them with cutting-edge technology, increasing the economic value of companies by increasing the quality of their products. Finally, related to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures) this technology is linked to goals such as 9.1. searching increased quality with affordable access, 9.4. helping in the adoption of technologies in an economically viable way, 9.5. increasing research and 9.b. adding value to basic products.

As a result, students have a real example of sustainable entrepreneurship applying concepts in which they have been trained. In addition, this approach to young entrepreneurs will encourage interaction with the mentor who will guide them in the entrepreneurial initiatives that have arisen throughout the academic year.

This research was funded by the Promotion Entrepreneurial Culture Project "MENTORING ENGINEERING STUDENTS TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP " included in the X call oF Projects of Promotion of Entrepreneurial Culture of the University of Jaén.
Transversal competence, Entrepreneurship, Mentoring.