Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 4363-4369
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0917
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The problem of forming tolerance is relevant both for Russia as a whole and for its multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multi-confessional regions. In the context of this study, ethnocultural tolerance is considered based on the results of research by N. Borytko [1], G. Volkov [2], O. Gukalenko [3], and other researchers and is defined as a necessary value quality of the individual, manifested at the level of human relations to the lifestyle of representatives of other ethnic communities (to their national cultural values and traditions). The analysis of the literature allowed us to identify the main components of the structure of ethnocultural tolerance (information-cognitive, emotional-evaluative, behavioral), to develop and test a model for the formation of ethnocultural tolerance of adolescents using artistic activities.

The leading approach in the research is the multicultural approach. According to the study, effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of the basics of ethnocultural tolerant behavior among students are the study of the culture of different peoples in the process of theatrical performance activities; the development of samples of folk art of different ethnic groups by adolescents; the development of intercultural communication between students in the process of performance activities.

This research was carried out using theoretical methods (analysis of pedagogical, psychological, theatrical literature), empirical research methods (observation, questioning, conversation with the participants of the experiment, creative tasks), and quantitative methods of analysis of the experiment results.

The level of development of ethnocultural tolerance in adolescents was determined by testing, questioning (based on the diagnostic method of the rapid questionnaire "Tolerance Index" by G. Soldatov, O. Kravtsov and the questionnaire for measuring tolerance by V. Magun, M. Zhamkochyan, M. Magura), expert evaluation (based on the expert analysis of V. Yasvin). The formation of the ethnocultural tolerance of adolescents in the course of the study was evaluated by the parameters of the formation of the components of ethnocultural tolerance, taking into account three levels: high, medium, and minimum.

The analysis of the obtained data at the first ascertaining stage of the study showed the minimum level of formation of the information-cognitive and behavioral components of ethnocultural tolerance in the studied group of adolescent students and the average level of formation of the emotional-cognitive component of ethnocultural tolerance. The subsequent inclusion of students in artistic and creative activities following the developed model of the formation of ethnocultural tolerance revealed an increase in the level of indicators of the formation of ethnocultural tolerance.

The formation of ethnocultural tolerance in adolescents as a personal quality will be effective in the process of implementing the "model of formation of ethnocultural tolerance" in the educational process, the structure of which includes information-cognitive, emotional-evaluative, behavioral components, and in the given conditions of artistic and creative activity (including the use of theater pedagogy methods).

[1] N.M. Borytko, “Introduction in the pedagogy of tolerance”, Vogograd, 44, 2006.
[2] G.N. Volkov, “Ethnopedagogy”, Moskow, 168, 1999.
[3] O.V. Gukalenko, “Multicultural education: theory and practice”, Rostov-na-Donu, 510, 2003.
Tolerance, pedagogical model, ethnocultural tolerance, artistic activity, theatrical art, performance activity.