Daugavpils University (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 4681 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1245
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Factors such as a person's motivation, the purpose and duration of stay in the host country, the person's age, etc., are of great importance in the effective language acquisition and systematic improvement of foreign language (state language) proficiency. This paper examines the characteristics of foreign language acquisition among immigrant adult learners aged 50+ in a situation determined by socio-political circumstances, marked by external (legislative norms) and internal (functional needs of the person) contradictions of language learners. This study introduces a new concept - contradictory motivation, which denotes the subjection of motivation determined by the needs of the foreign language learner to the legislative framework. Contradictory motivation has a significant impact on effective language learning.

The case study focuses on the precedent occurring in the Republic of Latvia in 2022-2023 and the influence it makes on over 22 thousand residents of the Russian Federation, who have lived in the Republic of Latvia for a long time mastering the state language (Latvian) at A1 language proficiency level and minimally using Latvian for everyday needs. In 2022, amendments to the Latvian Immigration Law were adopted, which stipulates that in order to be able to stay in Latvia further on, these persons must increase the language proficiency of the state language (Latvian) by one level within less than a year, but no later than by the end of 2023, and pass the State language proficiency test at level A2 at the National centre for education. The specificity of the case analyzed is also marked by the fact that the testing requirements have been raised since 2023 and the testing is partly organized with the use of IT technologies. The majority of the focus group of the study are persons in the age group 50+, i.e. in the age group 60-64 years – 5346 persons; 65-69 years – 7329 persons; 70-74 years - 3734 persons.

This paper first provides the review of the latest literature dedicated to the effective methods of foreign language teaching, as well as characteristics, motivation among adult refugees and migrants in the age group of 50+.
Secondly, the authors of the study on learning characteristics in adult language learners in the age group 50+ have applied qualitative research tools and collected data from a semi-structured survey conducted among learners of Latvian as a foreign language at A2 level (50 persons) who went through the State language proficiency test at level A2. The results of the research discuss interactions between the contradictory motivation with external prerequisites (the strictly limited time frame for achieving learning outcomes, appropriateness of learning materials and methods) and internal prerequisites (a person's passive attitude towards learning and its use, living in the country for several decades, mastering digital competences).
The conclusion of the paper summarizes the main threats identified through the study and provides recommendations as concerns the effective teaching of a foreign language (state language) and preparation for the language proficiency test at A2 level in the 50+ group of adult learners in a situation of limited time frame, increased stress and contradictory motivation of learners.
Foreign language acquisition, state language, contradictory motivation, 50+ age group, digital competences.