1 Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Kazan State Institute of Culture (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
3 Kazan Branch of the Russian State University of Justice (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 2827-2833
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0601
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The curriculum for the preparation of Linguistics students includes a sufficient number of disciplines where the performance of oral and written translation remains traditional, while interactive teaching methods are not used enough. At the same time, for the modern generation Z, which is characterized by constant interaction with computer systems, software products, virtual games, the use of game-like elements in the educational process as a variant of interactive learning is relevant. Gamification involves the introduction of game technologies into non-game spheres, helps to reduce students' resistance to doing routine tasks by activating game thinking.

The aim of the study is to present the results of the introduction of gamification elements in the form of progress bars and rating tables, similar to computer games, when Linguistics students perform a project within the discipline "Translation of advertising texts". The research method was a pedagogical experiment conducted in the period from September to October 2020 with students of the Linguistics Department of Kazan Federal University. In the control group of students, the task of translating an advertising text was performed traditionally, individually by each student; the written translation was checked and evaluated by the teacher. In the experimental group, the translation project with elements of gamification was carried out, it combined individual, presentation and group work of students in advertising texts translation.

Results. Based on theoretical research, the advantages of students' project activities with elements of gamification as an alternative to traditional individual translation or interpretation are revealed. The project implementation procedure, progress scales (specialist, master, expert), rating tables (in points, maximum 20 points), criteria for assessing the quality of translation are developed. The criteria included the student's identification of lexical, stylistic, phonetic, syntactic, etc. features of authentic advertising in English and their adequate reproduction in Russian translation. In the experimental group, 81% of students achieved the maximum rating according to the criteria for assessing the quality of translation (20 points), in the control group - 58%. %. 88% of students in the experimental group and 66% of students in the control group reached the expert level. Gamification contributes to the growth of student's motivation for high-quality translation activities. The results obtained can be used in the organization of project activities with elements of gamification in the preparation of Linguistics students.
Interactive learning, project, gamification, translation of texts, Linguistics student, progress bar, rating table.