University of Southampton (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Conference name: 2nd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2009
Location: Madrid, Spain
The philosophy behind the teaching for this management module offered at Masters level is based on Goffman’s’, The Presentation of Self in Every Day Life'. Students are asked to explore their own management style and that of others through a variety of experiencial activities rather than the traditional theory based lectures.
Psychological contact and the effect on behaviour,emotional intelligence, understanding the politics within organisations and the effect on self and others all form part of the learning.
The influence of power within the culture of organisations is viewed through Forum Theare and scenarios played out in class.
The use of Shakespears' Henry V is analysed to gain insight into how improvisation can create leaders or vice versa and how leadership is created not taught.
It must be stressed that this unit of study uses a large degree of experiential learning.
Teaching methods are based on adult learning principles. Students are expected to actively engage with peers and debates form an important part of the sessions. Forum theatre is used as simulation of situations such as meetings.
This method of teaching/learning offers the opportunity to critically explore and evaluate the self and how individuals interact with others management behaviour. The function and structure of the organisation is critically examined specifically in how the organisations support and utilise individuals throughout the management structure. Organisational politics (macro and micro) is considered; their influences on the behaviour of self and the impact this has on how others perceive management. Students are expected to critically reflect on and examine their own behaviour and the influences this has on decisions. An important component of the unit is how the managers behaviour influences the management of others.
The aim of the assessment is for students to demonstrate through the use of a real life case study, aspects of political awareness, self awareness and the impact this has on their management style.
Students are also expected to complete a personal action plan of how ongoing issues can be resolved.
Personal Action Plan
• Identify a problem/issue
• State the goal
• Identify and present objectives to achieve the goal
• Consider resource implications (financial, human etc)
• Evaluate the process
This unit of study is unique in the Leadership and Management Programme offered at Southampton University and I would like to share the success of this method of teaching with others.