Balearic Islands University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Page: 8025 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1814
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In any institution, values ​​are the behavioral framework of its members and depend, among other factors, on the nature of the organization, the purpose for which it was created and its projection into the future (Hodelín and Fuentes 2014).
Teachers, by being part of an institution, acquire professional principles and values, which over the years, strengthen their academic and personal profile and are evidenced in their teaching practices (Quijada, 2019). To teach with values, professionals prepared in theory and practice are needed (Hodelín and Fuentes, 2014), who are a model for their students and are committed to what they teach (Cantú, 2018). For this to happen, it requires practice, perseverance, interest and willingness to keep up-to-date profiles (Quijada, 2019).

Due to the relevance of the topic, the present work carries out a systematic review of the existing literature that covers the following objectives:
- Collect and systematize existing empirical evidence on values and their relationship with teaching performance in higher education.
- Analyze the methodological aspects of the research generated.
- Identify and systematize the variables associated with teaching values at the university.

Systematized reviews provide a rigorous and systematic frameworks for conducting bibliographic reviews (Codina, 2018). To conduct it, the following steps were followed:
- Identification of concepts and generation of search equations (in Spanish and English).
- Selection of information sources: Scopus, ERIC and Dialnet.
- Definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria (articles submitted to a “double-blind” review process, empirical-based work, both qualitative and quantitative, published between 2010 and 2020, focused on the analysis of teaching values in the university context).
- Search in databases.
- Location and preselection of articles.
- Download and preliminary reading.
- Selection of the document bank (n = 21 documents).
- Content analysis of the document sample

The corpus of evidence analyzed highlights the importance of values ​​in teaching practice and identifies, as a primary need, having teachers who function as models of ethics and behaviors governed by values. In the literature analyzed, the positive values ​​of the academic staff present to a greater degree were: responsibility, respect and commitment. Behaviors far from being positive values ​​were also identified, such as: lack of empathy, little tolerance, lack of ethics, disrespectful attitudes, poor communication, lack of teamwork, and not very transparent evaluation criteria.
Regarding the teaching of values, some elements were identified that should be taken into consideration for its proper implementation:
- Teachers are not solely responsible for promoting values.
- The institution is responsible for defining the values ​​that should be promoted and ensuring that the teacher has training spaces on this subject.
- There are other variables that can influence teaching values, among which are: culture, family and previous experiences.
- The absence of values ​​in teaching can be associated with external pressures such as evaluations or economic stimuli, available resources, due to ignorance or neglect of the teacher.

This article is one of the outcomes of the doctoral studies of Maritsa Briceño at the Balearic Islands University in the Doctoral Programme of Education
Values, academic staff, higher education, teaching practice.