University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8940-8945
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1976
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The main purpose of the article is to present the authors’ research about the integration of a new approach in the educational process of students from computer specialities in higher education. The aim is to overcome the difficulties associated with the study of computer subjects and the development of competencies in students. Also, it is intended to support students’ personal development and reduce the habits that obstruct their successful implementation of the approach. The document discusses the main reasons for computer system failures as well as hardware and software failures.
The main points that the authors present in the research are temperatures of the components outside the allowable operating temperature range; abnormal parameters of the voltage, frequency and spectral composition of the supply line; incorrectly selected power supply; low-quality computer components; poor packaging of the computer equipment by the manufacturer; natural disasters and accidents. All these issues are important for a good understanding of the reasons for hardware failures by the trainees for them to be able to successfully participate in engineering teams that consider designing highly reliable energy control systems.
The continuous development of modern technologies, as well as the demand and supply of new computer systems, lead to the need for in-depth knowledge by students regarding the proper function of the systems. The article presents a tabular analysis of the results obtained regarding the main reasons for computer failures that cause data loss. The percentage of failures of the computer components in the hardware is specified. The results of the performed statistical researches, concerning the reasons for the failures of the hard disks after the processing and the analysis of 290 000 failures of the hardware in the data processing centres are graphically visualized.
Our experience in using these approaches shows that they can be successfully used to clarify the nature of these problems. They are useful for increasing students' motivation for self-studying and consolidating their knowledge. The data obtained from the conducted statistical analyzes of the causes of computer failures is used not only for the theothetical training of students, but also serves as a link to their direct application in practical training courses. For example, the analysis of the reasons for failures related to the increase in the operating temperature of the computer components determines the conduct of practical classes related to the improvement of cooling. The educator provides a demonstration of the process of cleaning the heat-sinks, replacement of the thermal conductive paste of the processor, lubrication and replacement of the fans, etc. The students then perform the same procedures one by one and analyze the mistakes made. Similar practices are performed with hard drives, RAM, power supplies, network equipment and more.
Overcoming the difficulties associated with the study of computer systems will support the professional preparation of students and their successful implementation.
Engineering education, computer systems failures, hardware crash, data losses, maintenance cost.