1 AgriTech Centre of Excellence, Institute of Technology Tralee (IRELAND)
2 Institute of Technology Tralee (IRELAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 8541-8546
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.2119
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
This abstract describes a project that is a game changer for learning and development in the AgriTech sector. The AgriTech Centre of Excellence (ACE) offers a new and exciting approach to sectoral learning and development, through e-learning and virtual reality (VR). ACE is the first of its kind in Ireland & indeed Europe and is therefore, in its very nature, innovative. ACE aims to enhance the capabilities of Ireland’s AgriTech companies. A key aspect of this is the development of the ACE Learning experience, aiming to driving innovation around learning and development for the AgriTech sector. At ACE we are utilising a process based approach in identifying training and development needs along with the Learning style of personnel in the AgriTech sector. Once identified, we implement bespoke and innovative training solutions to meet these needs. We are currently using VR scenarios to immerse learners in environments that they encounter every day in their work life. This is achieved by applying the capabilities of simple VR/AR learning tools as an integral part of a person’s training program. These training methods support experiential learning for people across a range of different specialities within the AgriTech sector (e.g. service technicians, engineers, sales).

The development of these training scenarios is realised using VR enabled low-cost digital devices. This creates a virtual, highly engaging collective learning environment for each learner in a class. VR training scenarios are constructed using a 360 Camera to capture various 360 images of a specific training environment or equipment. These images are compiled and imported into Googles Tour Creator to build a series of immersive training scenes. Once compiled, the immersive VR training Tour is migrated to Google Expeditions. An advantage of using Expeditions software, is the ability for a trainer to guide learners through each scene, controlling the pace of the training session; ensuring that learners are bringing their attention towards the key learning items within each scene. The learner’s attention is drawn to specific points on equipment or in the environment. At these points of interest, information and additional imagery is added to support the learning process. The learner can also navigate through the scenes in their own time as often as required.

This innovative approach to learning and development for the AgriTech sector is enabled using software, available free of charge. The immersive VR training scenario is achieved by running the software application on low cost mobile devices; housed in a low-cost headset 'viewer'; connected to a master tablet via a secure Wi-Fi gateway. The trainer then uses the master tablet to broadcast the content to the learners providing a visually stimulating and creative learning experience using VR.

The advantages of using VR as a training tool to support learning and development for the AgriTech sector are:
1. Bespoke, active, immersive training experiences which engage the learner
2. Exploration and hands on approach supports learning and retention
3. Helps in understanding complex subjects/theories/concepts
4. Training embedded in the proper context; VR training scenes represent scenarios in which a learner will be working
5. Suited to all types of learning styles, e.g. visual.
6. Training can be carried out with no risk or impact to live manufacturing processes
AgriTech, e-learning, Virtual Reality.