About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 8248-8255
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1887
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Neuroscience, when applied to teaching and learning, highlights some effective methods, especially in the current context, where distance education is essential for everyone's health. In the case of creativity and creation disciplines, such as the design ones, it is essential that teaching develops practical and professional skills. Recent research in the cognitive field has shown that project teaching and pedagogical practices in architecture can be rethought and restructured with the application of neuroscience-based principles, which are presented through neuroeducation. Neurosciences allow the understanding of how the brain processes and retains information, being able to contribute to the cognitive processes involved in the project design, through stimuli that enhance the use of the repertory. In this research, we will study the application of innovative methodologies for project learning in ID (Interior Design) courses, with the objective of identifying the best pedagogical practices for empirical teaching and close to the reality of the profession, pointing out approaches capable of embracing the conditions of each student and providing ways of incentive for a more participative learning. The absence of a teaching process that accompanies the continuous receipt of information and the constant changes in the professional's performance may result in an unprofitable training, unable to deal with the changing market. This article aims to establish an approximation with the field of cognitive neuroscience from the analysis of empirical pedagogical experiences carried out in design disciplines of the early years of Architecture and Urbanism and Interior Design courses, focusing on the study of the project repertory. Such experiences were analysed in the light of theoretical references in the field of cognitive sciences, especially the neurosciences applied to teaching and learning, with a focus on the principles of neuroeducation. To this end, a study of some neuroscience's concepts applied to education was developed, critically analyzing the methodologies used in the virtual teaching scenario, in order to understand the functioning of the learning process linked to emotion, experience and the interpersonal relationship of the students enrolled in the ID course of IFSP, Campus Jacareí. With the results it was possible to weave relationships between the teaching methodologies used and the principles of neuroeducation, understanding how the brain captures, stores, and transforms the information collected into knowledge, thus activating the student's repertory in the project design. This process resulted in significant apprenticeship, showing that it is possible to contribute transdisciplinary with the teaching practice in Architecture and Design. Finally, with this research, it is concluded that the practice of teaching with the use of active methodologies based on proven theories about the functioning of the mind are, in fact, effective and well received by students. The level of satisfaction in disciplines that worked with these concepts was much higher compared to other disciplines, being both project and distance learning. Using Deweyan pragmatism, it can be seen that the reflective thinking of teachers is essential for meaningful teaching, with practices arising from reflection on their experience, beliefs and values.
Neuroscience, educational neuroscience, interior design, project, teaching, learning.