Moscow City University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 9601-9605
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.2340
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
For years it has been apparent that teaching foreign language to preschoolers is rather insufficient. Nevertheless, recent studies along with the anecdotal evidence indicate that beginning foreign language acquisition in early childhood is very positive and not only feasible and beneficial, but also quite recommended. In addition, it proves relevant to present the language integrated with other subjects on the curriculum. Therefore, “it must not be left out or isolated from the rest of the areas of learning” [Lopéz, Mendéz 2004: 13].

Educational Standard of Primary and Early Childhood Education contains requirements to achievements, structure and environment in which the curriculum is realized. The latter considers age and personal features of every primary and preschooler as well as the significance of primary education being fundamental for the further educational process.

State Educational Standard of Primary Foreign Language Education implies acquisition of oral and written communication skills depending on personal abilities and demands along with of verbal and non-verbal behavioral patterns. What is more, the Standard aims at acquiring and developing first linguistic concepts essential for the elementary level of oral and written communication as well as at enlarging linguistic scope. Finally, the Standard targets at forming friendly and tolerant attitude to foreigners after getting the students acquainted with the routine of the peers living abroad, with children’s art, folklore and literature.

Analyzing the contents of the normative document it is vital to dwell on the exact educational programme for foreign language teaching that will work and prove productive. English lessons are to tackle such issues as teaching grammar, phonetics, speaking and writing skills. The clear methodology, with objectives for every lesson, and carefully staged activities support your children's learning.

For instance, phonics is meant to be straightforward and fun! Thus, each teacher should follow the progression that must be specially written for non-native speakers, meaning each sound is taught in a way that is easy to understand. Grammar topics in turn can be studied in any order depending on the syllabus you are following, as there is always a clear focus on the specific grammar target. The writing activities are to be very well structured and thus train essential sub-skills too, such as punctuation, so children feel ready to do their own personalised writing.

Digital resources available nowadays appear extremely useful not only for fun in class but to meet the needs of students with different learning styles.

All in all, teaching children foreign language must lead communicative character, that is a child masters language with the help of communication. Communication in foreign language must be motivated and aimed. Thus, it is necessary to create in child positive psychological attitude to foreign speech.
Early Childhood Education, foreign language teaching, State Educational Standard.