Technical University of Crete (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8180-8187
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1827
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The aim / object of the research:
The research focus is twofold:
- Because all learning activities take place within the classroom, investigate how the classroom space, shape, arrangement and configuration, may influence and contribute to children’s (better) learning, as well as their behavior when at school, and in what ways.
- Investigate how, if at all, specific classroom arrangements help children cultivate cooperative and collaborative skills, help them engage in active learning, enhance curiosity and creativity, and in general, allows for developing a spirit of collective creativity.

The research will center around real case studies to demonstrate that the actual classroom and its arrangement is of vital importance, given that human behavior is seriously affected by both, and by the objects within the space (Koutsouvanou, 1990).
The above objectives are supported by findings in (Dunn, 1998), where it is stated that regular children contacts with their classmates in a friendly environment creates the foundational framework for interpersonal relationships. Moreover, Rog (2001) confirms that the criterion for the place designation must be at the center of the analytical school schedule. The place takes over the role of the teacher – assistant, who offers to the children motivation and creates conditions that promote the development of skills and abilities (Dudek, 2005).

Methodology of research:
The proposed methodology includes modification of specific territorial characteristics but also the introduction of new material and support tools to assist in improving learning in the classroom. The objective is for students to become active and engaged and take on the role of the teacher; then, to observe and record the children’s behavioral change, according to Likert’s climax, followed by drawing conclusions based on accrued observations. This research is based on the differentiation of students' behavior with the gradual introduction of means to be considered to improve teaching. The results of the research refer to comparing scores between last year's results were the only alternation of specific territorial characteristics was made in the same group of students with the help of the Likert scale as mentioned above.

Results and clues:
The results of the research show that children through experiential learning and changing their position in the classroom space, beyond the usual uncomfortable position of their desk can learn more effectively by working with their classmates and in a playful way that leads them to meaningful learning through self-action.
Experiments, place, child, learning, research, re-arrangement of the place, grouping, cooperation, creativity.