University of Parma Department of Engineering and Architecture (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4751-4757
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1261
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The term 'Industry 4.0' was introduced in 2011 in order to highlight technological progress in industry through the introduction of the use of Internet service technologies and artificial intelligence [1]. Since then 4.0 has been applied to many other fields, such as Food 4.0 [2] and Logistics 4.0 [3]. This industrial technological innovation has influenced also the education sector [4]. Indeed, educational activity is increasingly moving online and course contents are becoming available in digital format, thus enabling data collection and the use of data for the learning process. Moreover, Industry 4.0 in order to continue the process of technological revolution also requires an evolution in educational processes [5]. The 4th revolution in education, named Education 4.0, is based on a series of advanced methodologies for the development of skills [6], in particular it focuses on the use of machine learning processes [7], the use of emerging information and communication technologies and the development of each individual’s personal competences [8]. Another fundamentally important aspect related to the dress of Education 4.0 was introduced in 2015 with the publication of the 2030 Agenda, more precisely with the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) [9]. SDG 4 identifies how crucial it is to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and, in addition, to promote accessible and lifelong learning opportunities for all. The present work analysed the available scientific literature through a systematic review and provides a comprehensive overview of the new paradigm of Education 4.0, with a focus on the engineering disciplines.

[1] Lasi, H., Fettke, P., Kemper, H. G., Feld, T., & Hoffmann, M. (2014). Industry 4.0. Business & information systems engineering, 6, 239-242.
[2] Bigliardi, B. (2021). Industry 4.0 applied to food. In Sustainable food processing and engineering challenges (pp. 1-23). Academic Press.
[3] Bigliardi, B., Casella, G., & Bottani, E. (2021). Industry 4.0 in the logistics field: A bibliometric analysis. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 3(1), 4-12.
[4] Grodotzki, J., Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2018). Remote and virtual labs for engineering education 4.0: achievements of the ELLI project at the TU Dortmund University. Procedia manufacturing, 26, 1349-1360.
[5] Mourtzs, D. (2018). Development of skills and competences in manufacturing towards education 4.0: A teaching factory approach. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Model for Advanced Manufacturing: AMP 2018 3 (pp. 194-210). Springer International Publishing.
[6] Gurjanov, A. V., Zakoldaev, D. A., Shukalov, A. V., & Zharinov, I. O. (2020, November). Peer to peer Education 4.0. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1691, No. 1, p. 012153). IOP Publishing.
[7] Baker, R. S., Martin, T., & Rossi, L. M. (2016). Educational data mining and learning analytics. The Wiley handbook of cognition and assessment: Frameworks, methodologies, and applications, 379-396.
[8] González-Pérez, L. I., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S. (2022). Components of Education 4.0 in 21st century skills frameworks: systematic review. Sustainability, 14(3), 1493.
[9] Klarae, A., Rydeman, I. B., Kneck, Å., Bos Sparén, E., Winnberg, E., & Bisholt, B. (2022). Methods and strategies to promote academic literacies in health professions: a scoping review. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 418.
Education 4.0, Industry 4.0, Engineering, SDG 4.