1 Dublin City University (IRELAND)
2 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 8590-8595
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.1995
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
A DASH-based Multi-Sensory Media Delivery System (DASHMS) which employs an extension of DASH to support multiple sensorial media is described in this paper. Mulsemedia (multi-sensorial media) refers to a combination of multimedia components (video and audio) and other media types which target other human senses (e.g. touch, smell and taste). Very few studies have investigated the user perceived quality of experience (QoE) associated with the use of mulsemedia and even fewer the effect of mulsemedia on learning. This paper studies learning experience with mulsemedia when employing DASHMS in a real life subjective experiment with 88 participants.

In multimedia applications, research and technology developments are generally focused on improving image and/or sound in audiovisual systems. This limitation of stimuli maintains a level of disconnect between the user and the represented scene. The potential impact on enriching the interaction, combinations of audiovisual with one or several different types of feedback (e.g., haptic, olfactory, gustatory) remains underused in digital media.

This paper presents of a research study on learner experience when a new DASH-based Multi-Sensory Media Delivery System was used in the class to stimulate user experience with multiple media elements engaging three or more human senses and allows content adjustment in existing cloud-based content delivery networks.

We bridge the gap between the development of latest technologies and classic education by providing educators and students with modern tools to enable improved and more attractive teaching and learning.

This research study will deliver mulsemedia content and will assess the benefit of employing the latest technologies in the learning process in terms of learner satisfaction, quality of experience and learning outcome. The use of these technologies in learning shifts the focus from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach.

Pedagogically, these technologies enable a constructive approach towards learning where a student constructs their own learning experience rather than strictly receiving knowledge, as is the case of traditional instruction.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the state-of-the-art related works in mulsemedia communications and describes some research related to the user perceived QoE. Section 3 gives an overview of the DASHMS. Section 4 presents research methodology of the case study and its results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper:
2.Related Works
3.System Architecture
4.Case Study&Result

This study delivers mulsemedia content and assesses the benefit of employing the DASHMS in the learning process in terms of learner satisfaction, quality of experience and learning outcome.

An analysis of the results collected in a case study conducted on a group of 88 students was presented in the paper. Learner outcome with the DASHMS, and learning satisfaction experience were investigated through a questionnaire survey. An analysis of the survey questionnaire results shows that majority of the students were satisfied with the multi-sensorial experience: 73% of student enjoyed the DASHMS. The survey also shows that the student have appreciated various multi-sensorial effects and those effects have enhanced the learning outcome.

The overall learner experience was excellent: 66% of students would like to have more classes that include multi-sensorial experience.
Multi-Sensory Media Delivery System, Olfactory Cognition, DASH, Learner Experience, QoE.