1 Yakutsk Institute of Water Transport (branch) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 North-Eastern Federal University after named M.K. Ammosov (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
3 Pokrovsky Secondary School №2 (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 10208-10211
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.2496
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
This article considers the possibility of a hypothetical model of the influence of research of the university on the development of the region in cooperation with economic entities. Research on Arctic issues and the proportion of North-Eastern Federal University research in the world have been analyzed with the help of naucometric bases and electronic resources. North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) is one of the Arctic universities, geographically located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which is the largest Russian region, 50 percent of which occupies Arctic territory [1]. Severe climatic conditions and low living standards in the Far North are a major challenge for improving the quality of life in the North. As a tool for analysis of scientific research on Arctic topics we used naucometric tools: Web of Science and Scopus databases, Science Direct resource, Russian Science Citation Index (RCSI). Monitoring of publications in the Web of Science, Scopus since 1975 by the keyword Arctic showed 58,554 results [3]. There has been an increase of publications on the Arctic since the 1990s. The research mainly involves the study of the environment, ecology, oceanography, geography, biodiversity conservation, geology, engineering, energy, materials science, Earth and space science. In the Russian naucometric base RSCI only 3,850 publications on the Arctic, dealing with socio-economic development, global warming can be distinguished out of the mass, and only little has been published publications on energy, water resources, medicine, microbiology and geochemistry. NEFU leads among Russian universities in the number of scientific publications devoted to the Arctic [2]. A large proportion of the scientific publications of NEFU are related to the study of the peculiarities of the region, nature, climate, resources, the rights of the peoples of the North, languages and culture, technologies of survival in the North, health care, education. The researches have the character of valuable information, results, as it was carried out in the real conditions of the North. The ratio of the number of publications by area of knowledge has developed historically and is related to training in NEFU. According to 2017, the number of NEFU graduates in engineering, production and construction is 415, in education – 326, in humanities – 411, in social sciences – 560, in natural – 209, information and communication technologies – 105, health and well-being – 129. Based on the comparative analysis since 2010, it has been concluded about the complexity of the process of interaction between the university and the region, about the need for a new model of interaction between the university and industry, all economic entities of the region on the example of the creation of a scientific and educational center. Since 2018, the University, together with industrial enterprises, has been preparing a major project in the priority areas of science, which is intended to develop new technologies for economic industries, environmental conservation, technospheric security, and the development of new materials for life in the Arctic. The partners of NEFU are scientific and industrial organizations, ministries and departments.
Arctic, development, publications, Arctic research, federal university, naucometry, priority áreas.