University of Porto, CIFI2D, Faculty of Sport (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 4182 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1052
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
One of the priorities of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is to ensure quality, inclusive, and active education for all students. Digital technologies play a crucial role in achieving this goal, given their pervasive presence in the daily lives of children and youth. The COVID-19 pandemic has further reinforced the relevance and applicability of technologies in education, promoting a paradigm shift throughout the educational system. The integration of innovative technology-assisted learning tools, such as mobile devices, tablets, and laptops, has revolutionised educational practices in schools and institutions. As smartphones and other wireless devices gain popularity among the public, schools and academic institutions must harness their potential effectively by incorporating technology into the classroom. Indeed, contemporary technology's adaptability and non-intrusive nature make learning more appealing to the upcoming generation. Moreover, the adequate use of technology as a pedagogical tool also has the potential to better prepare students for the challenges of societal life, given the inherent association of today's world with digital technology (Couldry & Hepp, 2013). By utilising computers and other digital devices alongside interactive tools, students can assume a more proactive role and occupy a central position in the learning process (Osadchyi, Valko, & Kuzmich, 2021), thereby facilitating more meaningful, engaging, dynamic, fun, and rewarding learning experiences.

Research has been indicating the positive impact of incorporating digital technologies into physical education (PE) classes, particularly in improving students' performance across different dimensions (motor, cognitive, and socio-affective) (Lee & Gao, 2020; Nowels & Hewit, 2018; Østerlie & Mehus, 2020; Asogwa et al., 2020).

This study aimed to analyse how students perceived the impact of implementing pedagogical strategies using digital technology on the acquisition of gymnastics skills.

Fifty-nine tenth-grade students (27 boys and 32 girls, aged 15-18) from three classes participated in the study during their PE lessons. The subject was gymnastics, taught during a 14-lesson unit based on the principles of Peer Teaching.

Five different working zones were organised, one of them with video feedback (VFB) that provided feedback related to the student's own image in action. After completing the movement, each student went to the screen with their partner to analyse the performance. Adopting a qualitative method, the study used focus-group interviews as instruments for data collection. Purposive sampling method for focus group discussion was used to recruit eight students comprising four high achievers and four low achievers. Strengths, weaknesses and suggestions for implementing digital technologies in PE were explored. Data were transcribed and thematically analysed.

Data analysis revealed that students' use of VFB was an appealing factor in increasing their engagement in the task. The opportunity to review their own movement on video improved their understanding of what they needed to correct and their ability to help their friends. Students also highlighted the need for teacher support to identify weaknesses in their performance.

Our study reinforces that digital technologies have the potential to help students learn optimally in PE while increasing their enthusiasm and engagement with tasks.
Technology-enhanced learning, digital devices, students' perceptions, student centered approaches.